So what now

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At emma's house 

"They thought they could get past me well then they have another thing coming I will make sure jax is back with me if it kills me!" Emma Yelled tearing up her scrap book and tossing it into her closet 

Meanwhile at school 

"Did you two happen to hear the news about jax novoa?" Aggey asked 

"No what happened" desdemona replied 

"It seems that mr novoa is gay and has a relationship with the human boy daniel" 

"He's going out with a human ugh I just don't understand the rebelliousness of teenagers" desdemona said shaking her head 

"That is not the most important part genius" aggememnon commented 

"Aggey! Besides the going out with a human what's wrong with him being gay?" Lily remarked 

"Witches and wizards are not allowed to like the same sex it's again all rules and if this relationship between the two of them continues we will have to take jax's powers away and get rid of daniel forever" aggememnon replied raising his arm to cast a spell 

"No! Wait let me handle this" lily said aggey slowly let his hand fall before nodding and transporting out along with desdemona lily sighed sitting down in her chair 


"So are you my boyfriend yet?" Daniel asked jax who smiled pulling him close 

"Not quite" replied getting down on one knee and encouraging daniel to stand up "daniel miller will you make me the happiest guy alive and go out with me?" Daniel nodded and jax smiled hugging him before pulling him into a kiss 

"I'm glad you're my boyfriend" Jax said softly 

"I'm glad you're my boyfriend too" daniel replied laying his head across jax's lap jax began to run his fingers through daniel's hair like he had in the hallway 

"I think now I can tell you why I broke up with emma" Jax said daniel sighed 

"I know it's because she's a bitch now I get it" 

"That's part of it but the real reason is because I had fallen for someone else" Jax commented 

"You fell for someone else and you asked me to be your boyfriend anyway for shame novoa for shame!" Daniel yelled out jax laughed 

"Yeah I fell  for a cute human boy with brown eyes brown hair and the cutest blush" Jax continued daniel pretended to pout 

"Oh yeah and who is this cute human boy you fell  for" 

"His names daniel last name miller with the softest hair" daniel sat up giggling he put his elbows in jax's lap allowing jax to still play with his hair 

"What do you like about this boy?" 

"I like how he blushes how he would'nt hurt anyone his smile his eyes his you can beat me down but I won't give up so easily and how when I first came to his school he hung out with me" Jax replied kissing daniel's forehead daniel cooed

"We're probably going to have to keep our relationship a secret" he said

"Yeah probably but I still want you to have the full jax novoa dating experience so I won't back down" Jax said seriously flipping them over so that daniel was on his stomach he wrapped his legs around daniel's waist and daniel shuddered blushing

"There's that cute blush I was waiting for jax said laughing 

If loving you is wrong (a janiel story)Where stories live. Discover now