Are you mad at me?

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I was so worried after jax ran off he had sent his clone to class and I couldn't find him for hours I wanted to cry but I held myself back I was walking in the hallway a little later when I saw jax walking towards me 

"Hey Daniel you look like you want to cry" he commented giving me his signature smile "yep this is the right jax" I thought blushing 

"Jax where have you been" I asked 

"I was just outside getting some fresh air" he said laughing "why were you worried" 

"No I was just wondering cause your clone was in class and I thought I had done something wrong" I replied 

"No I'm ok" 

"Are you mad at me or something" I asked 

"No of course not I just needed to get away I can't be bothered with emma she's driving me insane and she won't leave me alone" he replied 

"I'm just glad you're ok" I said hugging him I quickly pulled away blushing "sorry" 

"It's fine" he replied bringing me back into the hug he smelled amazing I just wanted to jump on him and kiss him I wanted him to be mine but I'm sure he's not gay I finnaly pulled away 

"Your hair looks messy" he said brushing it back with his fingers I blushed his hands running softly through my hair his touch felt good to me 

"Shouldn't you two be in class?" Said a voice behind us I knew that voice all to well jax turned around to see mr.alonso behind us I groaned and jax pulled his fingers out of my hair 

"You two in my office right now!" He yelled jax sucked his teeth looking at my sad expression 

*In mr.alonso's office* 

"What were you two doing out in the hallway during class period without a hall pass?" Mr.alonso asked looking straight at me 

"Well we.... Um" 

"I needed to go to the bathroom and I took to long so the teacher sent daniel to come and get me" 

"She sent daniel without a hall pass" mr.alonso asked giving me that yeah right look 

"There was no pass in the class we were in the last kid lost it" daniel said picking up the story I gave him a soft smile and he blushed for probably the 100th time today 

"What class do you boys have now?" 

"We have mr.wright for English" I replied I had memorized my schedule so I knew by heart what class we had 

"You boys can go jax a week of detention for not wearing the school uniform" he said I sighed following daniel out of his office 

"That was close" daniel said laughing a little 

"Yep we make a good team miller" I replied all of a sudden the bell rang and the hallway filled with people 

"I'm gonna head to my locker I'll see you in math" I said daniel nodded we quickly hurried to our lockers trying to avoid the crowd 


I was at my locker trying to find my English book when the locker was slammed shut right on my hand I winced 

"Oww!" I screamed of course it was emma why can't this bitch just leave me alone 

"Listen miller I have one thing and one thing only to say to you stay away from jax or you'll be sorry" she threatened keeping the locker on my hand before finally releasing and smaking me hard in the face I whinced falling to the floor shaking my hand as the blood finnaly returned back to them Since the hallway was still pretty crowded jax didn't see what happened even though his locker is only like 10 feet away from mine 

"Daniel are you ok" he asked coming to my side 

"Yeah It's just emma again"  I replied jax's face got red again and he balled his fists his body shaking 

"Jax please don't get mad again" said softly he looked at me and quickly relaxed he grunted lightly before helping me up 

"Come on let's get to class" he said softly I grabbed my book bag tossing it onto my shoulder if jax gets this pissed off from something so little then I don't want to know how he would react to emma's threat maybe he does like me like that I thought holding my books closer to my chest and blushing 

"What's up with you?" Jax asked all of a sudden I quickly looked at him and he laughed I bit my lip looking at the ground 

"I'm messing with you" he said still laughing I rolled my eyes bringing my books closer to my chest we made it into class late as usual and sat down next to each other and I have to say that had to have been one of the best class periods ever 

If loving you is wrong (a janiel story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें