What'd you mean leaving!

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"So what was that all about jax we're missing school" I said as jax brought his suitcase downstairs and filled it with clothes and other things 

"Jax what are you doing?..." I asked lifting one eyebrow 

"I'm leaving and I'm taking you with me" he replied 

"What'd you mean leaving jax what's going on?" I asked him a pit forming in my stomach he suddenly stopped packing and sighed he came close hugging me to his chest before moving his head to my ear and bitting my earlobe whispering huskily 

"Relax baby late me get packed we'll go to your house get you packed and then maybe later we can have a little fun" he said softly running his fingers down my chest I shivered and he pulled away getting more of his stuff and throwing it in to the suitcase he quickly closed it grabbing it and pulling it off the bed before grabbing me and pulling me outside and into the jax mobile throwing his suitcase into the back seat 

"Jax what are we gonna do about school?" I asked 

"Relax I took care of that already" he said not looking at me and starting up the car 


We made its to my house and jax transported us inside I grabbed my suitcase filling it with my stuff while jax watched me before helping 

"Jax can you please tell me now why you dragged me out of school and making me pack" I asked him 

"I'll tell you once you've packed up and we've gotten back in the car" 

"Is this about emma?" 

"If this was about emma we wouldn't be leaving this is something of a way higher power than emma" 

I nodded and finished packing jax grabbed my suitcase lugging it out side and tossing it into the back of the car along with his suitcase 

*meanwhile at school* 

"Daniel are you having problems with this" Jax junior asked 

"Yeah a little" daniel 2 replied jax junior smiled showing him how to do the problem 

"Thanks" daniel 2 said blushing hard 

"No problem" Jax junior replied returning to his work 

"So where are original jax and original daniel going?" Daniel 2 whispered 

"I don't really know all jax would tell me was that they had to escape the council so he was leaving me and you to take there places to bad we can't be a couple cause you're kinda cute" Jax junior replied 

"R-really?" Daniel 2 asked jax junior nodded and daniel 2 blushed so hard he thought he was going to explode 


"Jax what's going on please will you tell me now?" Daniel asked

"Well fine I guess you've suffered enough the council told me that I can't be gay and i can't date a human so we have to leave because I'm not breaking up with you"

"Aww jax" daniel sighed giving him a kiss on the cheek "so wait you made a clone of yourself and me is that safe"

"It's safe don't worry about it" Jax said

"Ok so when will we come back to Miami"

"Damn you ask a lot of questions" Jax replied pulling daniel into a kiss and smirking aganist his lips daniel giggled 

"Aww jax" daniel sighed giving him a kiss on the cheek "so wait you made a clone of yourself and me is that safe" 

"It's safe don't worry about it" Jax said 

"Ok so when will we come back to Miami" 

"Damn you ask a lot of questions" Jax replied pulling daniel into a kiss and smirking aganist his lips daniel giggled 

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