Jax junior is cute

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The next day was torture jax had sent his clone to school don't get me wrong jax junior is cute but he's no jax I miss jax so much so once school was over I headed over to his house I knocked on the door and jax came to the door wearing some baggy sweatpants and a black tank top his hair looked wild and he was eating yogurt he smiled at me even messy he's gorgeous 

"Hey Daniel come in" he said stepping aside and letting me walk in I was amazed by jax's house it was so big "so why'd you come looking for me?" Jax asked walking up the stairs and beckoning for me to follow 

"Oh I just wanted to know why you keep leaving every time you get mad and why you keep sending jax junior in your place and skipping school" He sighed we got into his room and he sat down I automatically sat down next to him 

"Look daniel it's just something I can't tell you I don't know how you'll react to it" he replied I lowered my head 

"Why not?!" I yelled suddenly making jax look at me I blushed sitting back down 

"Look your a good friend and maybe some day I'll have the balls to tell you how I feel but till then I can't" 

"If I told you first would you feel better about telling me how you feel" 

"Depends on if we feel the same way" 

"I believe we will in my heart" he smiled laying back on his bed I blushed hard looking at his soft eyes "give me a few days and i know our feelings will be the same" 

"Kk miller go for it" he said laughing I got up off his bed running down the stairs to the door  I looked up the stairs and he winked at me I smiled opening the door 

"I'll be waiting" he called I nodded opening the door and running outside 

"I hope we feel the same way" I said to myself feeling an uneasy pit in my stomach 


"Andi!" I called downstairs she was busy getting me a cup of milk seriously I swear that girl moves so slow all your doing is putting milk in a cup 

"Coming!" She yelled I heard her footsteps on the stairs and she burst into my room breathing hard she handed me the milk I placed it on drawer next to me before flipping through hex some more 

"What are you looking for now?" She asked 

"A spell to make it so that daniel never existed" 

"Woah woah woah crazy first off daniel was your first love you said it yourself second of all jax didn't break up with you for daniel he broke up with you because you were acting like a bitch!" She yelled instanly putting her hand over her mouth 

"How dare you your supposed to be my best friend!" I yelled back 

"Well you've been acting like a totally bitch I understand that your heartbroken and that you wish jax would come back to you but he's not it's not like he left you for some other girl he's gay!" Andi said making me whimper I cried feeling rage heat up my body 

"emma I'm sorry but its true I have to go maybe if you stay by yourself for a little while you'll understand why everyone's left you" andi said before climbing out the window I cried myself to sleep that night hex hid in my closet trying to get away In the morning I woke up 

"Well daniel you may have an advantage now but I'll stop you and you'll pay!" 

If loving you is wrong (a janiel story)Where stories live. Discover now