"Why are you waiting for me?"

"You were my ride here and you were supposed to show me around town...?" Oh yeah, right I forgot about that. I sighed and motioned for him to follow me to the car. I threw my backpack into the back seat and sulked into the front seat of the car. There was a reason I never drove to school. I started the car and pulled out of the student parking lot and drove to the first place I could think of. It was ,y place, the place I normally went to clear my head when things got to be too much. I parked the car and we both got out and the smell of fresh water immediately hit my nose.

It was a smell I had become accustomed to, but for some reason, it always seemed to surprise me. I remember a story my mom had told ne about how her and dad had kissed in the lake on his birthday. She said it was her first real kiss and that it was the most magical kiss in her life. 2 years later he took her back there and proposed. I guess that's why water soothed me, it was what brought my parents together. I realized I had sort of dozed off when Kyle taped my shoulder.

"Well, as you can tell, this is the bridge to the beach. Mostly everyone hangs out down there but I like to sit up here on the bridge, its much easier to see the water." He smiled and walked further down the bridge. I admired the beach from afar. I was quietly thinking of places to discover when he grabbed my arm and pulled me in the opposite direction of the beach.

"Instead of driving around town, how about we walk. That way I'll get a better feel of town." I brushed his hand off my arm and smiled slightly. "Food." What? " I want food. That cafeteria crap didn't even begin to look healthy, I want real food from a real restaurant." I automatically knew where to to take him. My mom had taken me when I was younger and I've loved it ever since.

I dragged him into the tiny café, Express . Not many people came here but that's what I liked most about it. It was quiet, secure, and I knew where I stood in here. I grabbed a menu off the counter and waived to the barista. I took a booth in the way back of the place and passed the menu to Kyle. I already knew what I wanted but I gave him a little time to chose before I put in the order with Jessica, the waitress.

He quickly decided and I rung the bell signaling Jessica over to our table. Kyle directed his attention to her and I was sure his jaw drop was noticeable. I wouldn't blame him. Jessica was damn near flawless. She has the smoothest skin complexion and her long, wavy, auburn hair complimented her perfect body shape. Even I was awe struck when I first saw her. She smiled and turned towards me. "Anna, always a pleasure to see you. And you're new...."

"Neighbor." She smiled and nodded and took out her note pad. "The usual for me and a...." He told her what he wanted and she wrote it down swiftly and quickly shut her note pad and walked away. Kyle turned towards me and I could practically see the hormones dripping down his face. "Relax lover boy, she's into girls. More specifically, Melody." he sighed and sunk further in the booth seat.

"Girls huh..?" He sighed again and I held back a laugh. "Wait, you're only friend is L--" I cut him off and raised my hand. I nodded and he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see the big deal people make about it. Let people love who they want and leave them alone. It's not like it personally affects you." I smiled slightly and shook my head.

"You sound like Melody. She says that constantly after she gets back from making out with a different girl." I glance over at the enthusiastic Jessica. "But I think she's serious about Jess. She seems nice." Kyle nodded in agreement and sipped some of the complimentary coffee waiting at the table.

"So tell me more about yourself?" I looked up from the cup I had poured myself and frowned. "Like, what's your.... Hm background story. What's underneath miss not so popular." I scoffed.

"Yeah, because I'm gonna tell someone I just met about my life. Tough luck kid." His shoulders shook and I frowned. "While we're on the topic, what about you mister I look like I'll probably mess around with anything that walks."

"Fuck." What? "I noticed you kind of danced around the word so I said it for you. I look like I'll fuck anything that walks." Jessica came and put our food on the table. She smiled and went on to the next table. "That my dear, Anna, is a stereotype." He smiled as he ate one of the French fries off his plate.

"I didn't mean it like that... It's just, I saw you with all of those girls..." I looked down into my coffee and stirred it distractedly.

We ate quickly and moved on to the next place which was an ice cream shop. I was already full but I felt that Kyle, being the popular type would relate more to this crowd. When we walked in, you could already see the cheerleaders sitting in the corner giggling. On of them looked in the direction of Kyle and winked. He smiled at them and I gagged. "This is the evident ice cream parlor. This place is complete opposite of Express. Everyone comes here or goes to the teen club down the street that I will never step foot in."

He laughed slightly only half paying attention. He was still flirting with the cheerleaders, clearly not wanting to talk to me. "Tours over.. You can go talk to them. And by the way, you just proved my point from earlier." He nodded and walked over to them. I grabbed my keys out of my purse and jogged to my car. I stopped to think about how he would get home or if he even knew how to get there, but as I turned around and saw him through the parlor window, I didn't care.

So I got in my car and drove off.

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