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-Taehyung's pov-

I watched the balloons fly out and after all of them flew out Hyejin came out. She smiled to me and asked, "Did you get your answer?" I laughed to myself then nodded.

"It looks like you worked hard. Ready?" I asked.

"Wait now?!" She nearly yelled.

I nodded and reached my hand out to her. It took a few seconds then she finally grabbed on and we walked to the park.

We walked around and then found a free bench to sit on. "So what do you think so far?" I asked her.

"What do you mean? Like how's the date been?" She asked.

I nodded and she replied, "It's been when are we gonna do something fun?" She asked while pouting.

"What do you want to do then Hyejin?" I asked her.

"I want to go to the zoo!" She said as her face lit up. I laughed at her then we headed off to the zoo.

We walked around the zoo and she seemed to enjoy it so much. We watched pandas, monkeys, and other animals.

While we were walking I saw something and pulled her with me.

"Where are we going~" Hyejin asked.

"You had your fun my turn." I said as I kept walking. The walk was a bit quiet then I saw them.

"Hyejin! Hyejin!!! Look!" I said as I pointed over to the lions den.

"Kim Taehyung you brought me all the way here to see lions?" Hyejin asked.

"I love lions! They're my favorite! Can we go see them?!?!" I begged.

She sighed then agreed. She held onto me tightly as we approached the den. I held onto her also cause I wanted to hold her. Just one time. Just once.

We watched the lions for a few minutes before Hyejin asked me, "Tae you really like lions?" I nodded.

We finally left the zoo and walked back to get some food. We walked and Hyejin pulled me one way.

"Hyejin~where are we going?" I asked.

"To get ice cream^^." She replied.

We got our ice creams and chose our seats. While we were eating I told Hyejin that she had some on her nose.

She blushed then said, "Omg that's so embarrassing...." I laughed and said, "There's still more."

"Where?" She asked.

I leaned in then as I went to wipe I said, "Right here." I whiped my ice cream on her and ran.

"Yah! You better run!" I heard her yell after me. When I turned around she wasn't there.

I faced the other direction and got a cold suprise all over my face. Then I heard giggling.

"Jung Hyejin! I'll get you back!" I ran after her and chased her all the way to the park. The ice cream was sticking to my face.

Hyejin stopped running and I tackled her to the ground. I was on top staring at her while she was staring right back at me.

She started laughing. "Yah see this all over my face? It's all your fault. Wipe it off." I told her.

"How do you expect me to wipe it off? Use my salvia?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

I smirked then leaned in closer, "Do it."

Her eyes grew bigger then she shoved me off. "That's disgusting Kim Taehyung!" She yelled.

I laughed and couldn't breathe for a while. "I'm kidding Jung Hyejin. Now come back here." I said as I wrapped my arms around her again and pulled her back down.

Now she was laying on top. She pouted as I laughed. "You're cute when you're mad." Then I let her go and we both stood up.

"Let's go now?" She asked. I nodded and we walked back to her place hand in hand.

When we got back it was late already and we layed down in the grass staring up into the sky.

It was getting late and I finally decided to let her go in. "Hyejin...since it's getting late you should go inside." I said.

She got up and looked down at me. "Taehyung stand up." She ordered me. I stood up and faced her.

"Hyejin you know it's a full moon tonight. Also...I've always wanted my first kiss on a full moon." I started.

Before I could finish I felt her grab onto my shirt and tippy toed to reach my lips. She lightly pecked my lip. She pulled back and then I went for it. I wrapped my hand around her waist and pulled her towards me.

I bent down a little just enough to reach her lips. I kissed her and she returned it. It soon started getting hot and she wrapped her hands around my neck not letting go. I felt all her emotions in this kiss. We pulled away panting a little. We touched foreheads and I felt her smile.

I walked her into her house and said goodnight. While i was leaving her door I thought about the kiss and I stopped in place.

I called her asking if she could come out again. "I'm sorry I miss you so much. Sorry for saying all this nonsense." I said over the phone.

She came out again and I looked at her. "Can you kiss me with your sweet lips again?" I asked her. She laughed and grabbed onto my shirt reaching for my lips again.

We kissed again and it started getting hot again. I felt my heart racing as we kissed. I picked her up and walked to her room placing her on her bed.

I kissed her passionately then left her lips and trailed down her neck a little. I tried stopping myself but my feeling took over.

I gave her butterfly kisses on her chin and down her neck. "Hyejin... I'm sorry." I said as I stopped myself. She kissed me one last time and said, "It's okay Tae....I didn't stop you... I'm sorry I lead it this far."

I was still on top when she said, "Just take it easy." I looked at her shocked then asked, "Bw-bwoh?" She laughed then pushed me off. "I'm just kidding Tae. Lay next to me." I layed next to her and she cuddled with me.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. She kissed me on the neck and it started heating up again. I slid my hands under her shirt and felt her shiver.

"Hyejin....don't...I can't stop myself and I don't want to hurt you." I said as my hands traced circles on her bare skin.

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