Working together

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-Hyejin's pov-

Even thought I tried avoiding Taehyung it didn't matter. Since we didn't have anything for the school project I had to see him today. I walked over to his house and knocked on it.

I didn't know what to say to Seungcheol yesterday after his confession. I simply just told him we should just stay friends. He agreed then we went our own ways.

Taehyung opened the door and he looked suprised. Without saying anything he stepped aside and I walked in. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So...tomorrow's the project. Have any ideas?" I asked. He just stared at me then suddenly hugged me.

I pushed him off and said, "It's over Taehyung. I just came to finish the project. No skinship please. Let's just get started."

We went into his room and he turned his computer on. "Let's sing a song. One that explains how two people are going through a break up. They act like they're singing to eachother. They both are hurt but the girl hides her pain." He said.

I felt like he was talking about our relationship. "I think I have a song. Can you rap Tae?" I asked. He nodded and I searched up "Fake it- Hyomin ft. Sungmin from Speed."

We both listened closely and it was exactly what Taehyung was looking for. After the song ended I looked up from the computer to find Taehyung staring at me.

He leaned in and I pulled away. I coughed awkwardly. "So let's give the song a try." We went downstairs and he had a karoake machine.

He turned the t.v. on and played the song. Her notes were hard to hit but after a few tries I got it. When Taehyung's rap came I felt a pain in my heart.

Everything about this song related to our relationship. I didn't know Taehyung had such a sweet voice. Even when he rapped his voice was so clam.

We finished the song and it was already late. "That was great. Um..see you tomorrow. I'll be going first." I said.

He walked me to the front door and before I left he turned me around. "Tell me you weren't hurt while singing with me. Didn't you feel like the song we sang was describing us? You didn't feel any pain while singing with me?" He asked.

I tried to release from him but his grip tightened. "Please don't leave me Hyejin. I missed you so much. Why have you been avoiding me? You've hurt me mentally and emotionally. I don't know what life is these days." He pulled me in a hug and cried.

I pushed him away and said, "I've given you plenty of chances Taehyung. Just be my friend okay. I gave you a second chance but you went and kissed another girl. Like I told you. Never again."

He stared deeply into my eyes then pushed me out. "Okay. Fine leave. Just show up tomorrow and don't screw up." Then he slammed the door.

I turned around and walked off. Well if he didn't be an ass then maybe we still would've been together. Even though I hated him I still loved him. For some reason I couldn't let go.

I'm doing better without him. I'll be okay. While I continued walking I saw S.coups and Rae Min together.

He looked like he was confessing. That babo...he finally confessed. I smiled and then I heard someone chuckle behind me. I turned around to see Taehyung.

He smiled at me then hugged me. "I can't believe you really left." I laughed and he joined in. "No matter how much I hate that kid he seems likes he's making my sister happy." I realized I was still in his arms.

I pulled away and said, "Sister? The bad boy Kim Taehyung has a little, pure, innocent, totally opposite from her brother, sister?"

He laughed and nodded. "Anyways I think they look good together. Let's work together. We'll be a perfect team." He said.

I thought about it for a moment and finally nodded. "Kim Taehyung don't make me fall for you again, got it?" I said.

"Don't worry I'll catch you Lee Hyejin." He said. We both smiled and I felt those butterflies again. Then I thought to myself, "To late I'm falling for you already. Just don't let me fall. You better catch me like you said."

We watched S.coups and Rae Min from far away. "They look like us when we were together." Taehyung said. I just kept my mouth shut. On things like this I always end up saying something wrong.

"Are you hot?" I suddenly asked then realized what I just said. He smirked then leaned over me until his forehead was touching mine. "I'm only hot for you."

I pushed him lightly then said, "I didn't mean it like that oppa!!"

He laughed then said, "Stop pushing me! Also you called me oppa again!"

I was soon in his arms again. Soon Rae Min saw us from a far. We tried hiding but it was to late. They both ran over to us and said, at the exact same time, "Were you two spying on us?!"

We laughed the I said, "You finally gained some guts Coups." He laughed then nodded.

"Kim Taehyung I know we didn't start off to a good start but is it okay if I dated your sister?" He asked.

"Choi Seungcheol I allow you to date my sister. But hurt her once and you're dead meat." Taehyung warned.

We all laughed and then walked together to a cafè. My life felt perfect right now. I haven't felt like this in a long time.

After heart breaks and depressing days, it all payed off. I'm glad we could do these kinds of things. Right now even though I didn't have was good enough for me.

We spent the rest of the night filled with laughter and smiles.

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