The end

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-Author's pov-

Rae Min and S.coups ended up falling in love again. When they finished collage they both got accepted into the same collage. After they finished Rae Min became a nurse and Seungcheol started going on tours with Seventeen.

They had very little time to spend with eachother but still made it work. They both waited for eachother. One day after Seungcheol returned he rushed to her house. When he got there she was sleeping already.

He layed besides her and she woke up. Her eyes widen as she saw Seungcheol smiling at her. Rae Min threw her arms around him and cried. "I missed you so much!" She would say.

He held her tightly and then pulled away and kissed her passionately. They both pulled away and touched foreheads. "I miss you also." He replied.

He stood up and bent down on one knee, and pulled out a ring box. "Kim Rae Min...will you be mine forever and marry me? Will you become Choi Rae Min? I'll be your best friend, the one who makes your day, and most importantly I'll be your lover." He said.

Rae Min cried and then nodded. "Yes." He smiled then hugged her. He slipped the ring on and found she still wore the promise ring. "You still wear my promise ring?" He asked her. She nodded and said, "I wear it to remind people I'm yours and will always be."

They shared one last kiss before going to bed. (No nasty thoughts!)

Hana moved in with Jeongmin and they got married. Everywhere Jeongmin went he promised to bring Hana with him. Hana and Jeongmin went to Bora Bora for their honeymoon.

They came back and Hana was pregnant. After nine months she had three kids. Two boys and one girl. She named her first boy Nickhyun, her second boy Jackson, and her girl was, Mi Rae.

As for Taehyung he moved into Hyejin's old apartment. Everyday he would visit his memories of her. It's been a few months now and the memory of her leaving was still hurting him.

*The day after she died*

The nurses went in to turn her monitor off but as they were going to it beeped. They glanced at eachother and waited for another beep. It beeped again and they called in the doctors. They came rushing in and announced that she was somehow alive again.

When she was finally able to get up and concentrate they asked her, "How did you do it Hyejin?" She smiled to them then replied, "I heard Taehyung's voice play over and over. I searched for him and found myself still get butterflies even when I was gone. He smiled and that's what pulled me back in."

They transferred her to the States to get more help on recovering. After she came back she rushed to her house. She wished for Taehyung. She wanted him to be here waiting for her.

She decided that she wanted him to move on and forget her. When she got to her house she stood there, looking at it. She saw someone and smiled knowing it was Taehyung.

She hurried and ran off. "Forget me Taehyung." She thought to herself. She ran until her feet stopped. Right now Hyejin didn't know where she was. While she searched around she saw a familiar figure.

-Hyejin's pov-

She wanted to call out but he beat her to it. "LEE HYEJIN!!!!" he yelled. People around stared but he ran to me. He embraced me in his arms and I hugged him back. "COUP!!!!" I shouted getting more stares.

Rae Min ran up to us and she cried to me. "Hyejinnie I'm sooo glad you're okay!!! Have you told Taehyung?!" She asked. I smiled and shook my head. "I've decided to not tell him. It would help if you guys didn't either." I said.

They both gave me a stare then nodded. "Now explain this." I said pointing to her finger. She blushed then said, "He proposed to me." My eyes widen and I screamed. "AHH CONGRATS NOONA!!!!!!" I yelled.

S.coups came from behind and pecked her cheek. "Yep now she's officially mine." He said winking to her. I cringed then punched his arm. "Since when did baby Coups gain some guts?" I asked joking.

We all laughed and soon we heard a scream. We all turned our heads in that direction and saw Jeongmin running towards me with three little kids. When he got to me he pulled me in a tight hug.

"Hyejin is that really you?! How?! When?!" He asked.

"Yes it's really me. I've missed you Jeongmin oppa." I said hugging him back. "Now who are these beautiful children?"

"My kids." He said smiling. Hana unnie came walking behind and her eyes lit up when she saw me. She pulled me into a tight hug and didn't let go. After she let go and I told them not to tell Taehyung.

They all agreed then we all went out for ice cream. While we got there Bts, Boyfriend, and Seventeen were all there. They all greeted me and we celebrated (without Taehyung.)

Well that's the end!!!! Thanks sooo much for reading!!! I'm really sorry for my bad grammer and my mistakes but I just wanted to say thank you!!! It was fun writing and seeing all your comments. Thanks for the upvotes and thank you for supporting me. I hope the story get's further in the future. THANK YOU!!!!♡♡♡♡

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