Don't fight it Rae Min

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-Taehyung's pov-

I woke up and searched for Hyejin. I was hoping everything that happened was just a dream. I got up and went downstairs. When I got downstairs I saw her. I blinked and she was gone.

"Aish...I'm going crazy." I said out loud. I heard a laugh and I turned around. I saw Hyejin sitting on the couch. She smiled to me and I blinked again. Once again she was gone.

I sighed then thought, "I wonder if I can still go see her." I grabbed my jacket and rushed out. Instead of driving I ran. After that incident I don't feel like driving for awhile.

When I got there I asked, "Is she still under her bed?" The nurse nodded but told me I couldn't see her. I pleaded but she refused. I left and went to a park. I remembered this was where she saw me kiss Hyomin.

I cried and soon felt someone sit next to me. I looked up and saw Seungcheol. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I laughed and said, "Do you think I'm okay?"

"Rae Min and I broke up." He said. My eyes widen and I grabbed him by the collar. "Did you break her heart?!" I yelled.

He shook his head and said, "She broke it off. Go ahead and punch me. I need one...I need to get my mind away from her." I let go of him and he smiled.

"I'm sorry Seungcheol. I'll try talking to her." I said. He shook his head and said, "It's okay. I don't want her knowing I told you. It's better this way. I guess you guys are really good at breaking people's heart huh?"

I wanted to punch him again but I held it in. Instead I pulled him in a hug. I knew he was hurting. People never can go through things like this alone. He pulled away and smiled.

"It's okay. I have to go now...thanks for the comfort. Remember don't tell Rae Min anything." He said and his voice cracked. I tried saying something but he smiled and I could see he was forcing it. He ran off and I couldn't say anything.

I stormed home and found Rae Min waiting for me. I hated Seungcheol but he really seemed hurt. I entered and she asked me, "Are you okay?" I nodded and walked up to her.

"Let's talk about your relationship Rae Min. How are you two doing anyways?" I asked. She looked at me then shrugged.

"It's fine I guess. But I broke up with him." She said. I studied her then asked, "Why? Did he do something?"

"Ani it's just....I don't love him anymore. I never did to be honest. It was all a bet. Everybody didn't think I could find someone. I tried explaining that to him, but he ran out." She said.

For some reason something Seungcheol said did remind me of this. "I guess you guys are really good at breaking people's heart huh?" That line ran through my head and I fianlly understood.

"Rae Min....go after him. You're in love with him. Don't fight it Rae Min. What you're going through was like what I went through. I was stupid enough to fall in love and then made a stupid mistake. You didn't want to but your ego took the best of you so you accepted it. While you spent time with him you found yourself falling in love with him. Go after him Rae love him." I said.

I looked at Rae Min and her eyes were teary. I pulled her in a hug and she cried. I patted her back and she cried harder. "It hurts Taehyung. I feel like I'm a jerk who hurt him. I really did love him and it hurted seeing him run out. I miss him..." she said as she cried.

"Go get him Rae Min. Don't make the same mistake as me. He told me about what happened, that's I came and talked to you. Cherish him...don't let him go." I said with a shaky voice.

"I'm sorry about Hyejin." She suddenly said. I broke down and cried. It was her turn to comfort me. "It's hard right now but it'll get better...I have a feeling." She said. I nodded and let her go.

-Rae Min's pov-

I went looking for Seuncheol. I found him at a bench alone. I smiled and felt my heart flutter. I ran up to him and ruffled his hair. He looked at me surprisingly and I laughed.

"Rae Min? Bwoh?" He asked cutly. I pecked him on his lips and said, "Please don't leave me. I'm sorry. Forgive me?" He looked at me then smiled.

"You have to do something for me though." He said. I thought for a moment and then finally agreed. "What is it?" I asked. "You...have to go on an official date with me. Plus you have to promise me you'll forever be mine until we graduate and get married." He said.

Then he pulled out a promise ring and grabbed my hand. Tears came to my eyes and I nodded my head. He smiled and slipped the ring on my ring finger. He pulled me close to him and smiled.

I blushed then said, "Yah...people are staring." He smiled then said, "Let them stare. Let them know you're mine forever. You're never going to leave me because of this ring." I blushed more and then smiled.

He leaned his forehead on mine and planted a kiss on my lips. I returned the kiss then smiled.

"I love you Choi Seungcheol." I said.

"I love you too Kim Rae Min." He replied.

I felt butterflies again and laughed. He laughed with me and we got stares from people. This one couple past us and she said, "Oppa how come you're not sweet to me like that?"

We laughed, then kissed again.

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