A day with Park Jimin

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-Hyejin's pov-

I was up by 7:30am this morning. I sat in bed for an hour before getting a message from Jimin.

"Hyejinnie~are you up?"

"Yeah I've been up since 7:30."

"Good, and don't forget today okay. I'll pick u up at 9 okay."

"Okay don't be late xD"

He replied with a smile emoji and I got up to get ready. I quickly washed my face and went to my closet.

I picked out a oversized sweater and wore leggings. Then I put on a little bit of makeup to cover the dark circles. Lastly I put my combat boots on and checked the time. It read 8:55.

I turned the tv on and surfed the channels. Nothing good was on until I saw Infinite.

My inner fan girl came out, "AH! KIM MYUNGSOO OPPA!!!! INFINITE!!!"

While I was still fangirling someone opened the door and I peaked over to see Jimin. He walked into the room then looked at the tv.

"Infinite? You're an Inspirit? Why aren't you an ARMY?" He pouted.

"Yeah I'm an Inspirit, but I'm also an ARMY. I was just switching channels." I said turning the tv off.

I stood up and he grabbed my hand and walked out. I closed the door and followed him.

"Jimin~ where are we going??" I asked starting to get tired.

"Aish you're so lazy Hyejin. Here I'll give you a piggy back ride." He said letting go of my hand and turning his back to me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hoped on. "Just tell me when you get tired." I said smiling.

"You're heavy Hyejinnie~~" he said pretending to be hurt.

I lightly punched him and he laughed. "I'm just kidding Hyejinnie. You're lighter then me." I kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you oppa."

He smiled when I called him 'oppa.' "We're here!" He said as I hopped off.

"The carnival?" I asked uneasy.

"Wae you don't like the carnival? We can go somewhere else if you want." He said looking at the ground.

"Ani you brought me here to forget about Tae. Just for that we'll stay. But you CANNOT leave me." I said pointing at him.

He shot his head up and smiled. He cheered and grabbed my hand. He dragged me everywhere. From rides to rides. We basically rode every ride there.

We walked past a game and I saw the cutest teddy bear. "Oppa oppa oppa!!!! I want that teddy bear!" I whined to him.

"I'm not strong tho Hyejinnie..." he said putting his head down.

"Liar you're the strongest oppa I know." I said. He shot his head up and walked over to the game and won me the teddy bear. I jumped up and down and kissed him on the cheek.

"See oppa is the strongest!" I said lifting my two fists. He blushed and then grabbed my hand again.

"Thank you Hyejinnie. Ready to eat?" He asked. I nodded and we walked to the food court. We ordered and found two seats.

We were talking and I kept seeing girls looking at us. I tried to ignore them but then one of them pointed at us and I stood up.

"Hyejin what ar-"

"CAN YOU STOP LOOKING AT US?! GO AWAY OR SOMETHING!" I yelled. The got up and rushed away.

I sat down and Jimin looked at me. "What those girls were bothering me." The food came and we ate well.

We finished and walked around more. I heard someone laugh and it sounded so familiar. I looked around and saw Taehyung with one of those girls I yelled at.

I froze and Jimin looked at me. He followed my gaze and saw Taehyung also.

Taehyung seemed to notice us and saw Jimin's arm around me. He grabbed the girl and passionately kissed her. I heard Jimin gasp and I couldn't hold my tears anymore.

I quickly whiped my tears and turned towards Jimin. "Ready?" I asked him.

He hugged me and placed his head in the crook of my neck. "I'm going to pretend to kiss you and follow okay." He said.

Shivers went down my spine as I felt his breath on my neck. I gulped then nodded. He placed his hand around my neck and leaned in so it looked like we were kissing.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and followed along. "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"To get Tae jealous. By doing all of this I know he likes you Hyejin. I don't ever want you crying over a boy. Even if it's me who hurt you please tell me." He said pulling away.

I gave him a faint smile and he smiled back. People around us were smiling and looking at us. Then I heard someone say, "Those two are so cute oppa. Why aren't you like him?" I laughed and so did Jimin.

He held my hand again and I held his hand back. We were going to continue walking but someone grabbed Jimin and turned him around punching him.

"JIMIN! GWENCHANA?!" I asked kneeling down. I looked up to see Taehyung. I helped Jimin up and looked at Taehyung.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! He's your hyung!" I said then slapped him.

He grabbed his cheek then turned to me. "Hyejin...you're stupid. You think I care?" He said smirking.

"Just go kiss your slutting girlfriend over there. That's all you do anyways." I said then turned my back and walked away with Jimin.

"Yah!" He yelled.

I kept walking and finally reached the car. "Mian Jimin." I apologized. He nodded and said, "It's okay I deserved it. Kaja let's go."

We drove home and I invited Jimin in to help him. "I'm really sorry oppa." I said.

He replied, "It's okay Hyejinnie. I forgive you. It wasn't your fault. But how did it feel making Taehyung jealous?"

I looked up and accidentally touched lips with Jimin.

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