Shopping for prom

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-Hyejin's pov-

Jeongmin grabbed Taehyung and punched him. I gasped and pushed Jeongmin off. "Stop oppa. Just stop. Go to bed I'll handle it from here. I told you...he means nothing to me." I said.

He let go of Taehyung and went upstairs. I glared at him and he smirked. "I mean nothing huh?" Taehyung asked me. "Yeah...nothing. Now leave me and Jeongmin alone. I don't want to see you anymore." I said.

"Hyejin you're such a liar. What's my love, your love, our love, to you?" He asked. "Our love is like...a burnt match. It can't ever be lit again." I said on the edge of tears.

"If our love is like a burnt match then how come you're going to cry? You hide your feelings so no one can help you. When they try to help you, you push them away because you think you're strong. I just needed to say that. I'll be going now." He said then turned around.

I wanted to run after I needed to run after him. I needed to feel his warmth again. I wanted to feel happiness once again.

I watched him walk away....forever. "I'm sorry Taehyung. Please move on." I thought as I closed the door.

I walked upstairs to find Jeongmin sleeping again. I smiled the fell asleep as soon as I tucked myself and him in.

*Next morning*

I woke up and saw Jeongmin facing me. "Wake up lazy. I had to turn your alarm off like three times. Get ready for school while I go back to sleep." He said then closed his eyes again

"No I'm skipping school today. Let's just sleep in and then go shopping later." I whined.

"Fine whatever. Now tell me about Taehyung." He said. I was really hoping he forgot about it.

"It's nothing oppa, I promise. He was just a crush for a little while. Nothing more I promise." I assured him.

"Fine...let's go shopping now?" He asked. I nodded then we both got up. I let him use my bathroom while I used the one in the hall.

We both finished at the same time and was finished by 10am. "We are so siblings. We finish at the same time and we're both ready at the same time." Jeongmin said. We laughed then left.

Since it was still early he took me to a cafè. I told him about Taehyung and cleared everything up. "Has there been any other guys?" He asked me.

"Yeah. My best friend Choi Seungcheol. I was going to kill myself one-" I started but he cut me off.


I nodded and hid my head. "If you be quiet I'll tell you what happened." I warned him. He settled down and waited for my response.

"I was about to walk onto the road when he pulled me back. He took me to a nearby cafè and helped me get through it." I said.

"I wanna meet him. If he saved my baby sisters life I wanna meet him." He said sternly.

"Maybe later." I said. He simply nodded and we walked out. We came near a shop and he pushed me inside. "Well..let's start looking." He said and we separated our ways.

Every dress I tried on was either to long, short, ugly, puffy, sluty, etc. So basically every dress I tried on wasn't good enough.

"Let's just go to another store oppa~" I whined. He shook his head and gave me another handful. It was 4:45pm now and we've been to 5 different stores.

Finally we picked a store and tried on another handful of dresses. We were about to leave again before a lady came and said, "Mian..but I think this color would suit her best. I've been watching you two for awhile now and I figured she would fit this one best." We thanked her and I went to try it on.

It fit perfectly. I walked out and I could tell Jeongmin was suprised. "Is that my sister?" He laughed. I walked over to the mirror and admired it.

It was a midnight blue-strapless shirt. It had small ruffles at the bottom. It was above my knees, and had a gold belt to match with. It was skinny enough to show your curves.

The lady helped me fix the dress so it would fit me better. I spun around and she smiled. I looked over to Jeongmin and he smiled. "Thank you for helping us. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." Jeongmin said.

"My names Hana, and you're welcome." She said smiling. Jeongmin and her stared at each other for a few seconds before he asked her for her number.

They exchanged numbers and I laughed. "My brothers really grown up now." We talked with Hana for a while and I went to go change.

When I came out the were already holding hands. Man he makes his move very fast. I coughed awkwardly and they both looked over to me.

"Let's go find you some shoes now huh? I didn't catch your name honey." She said. "My names Hyejin, and sure let's go." I said smiling.

We looked around the store and she suggested that we go with heels. While we were looking Jeongmin pulled me away and said, "Is it okay if I went to prom with Hana instead?" I laughed and nodded.

"I'll just tag along with you guys." I said. He gave me a hug and we went back to looking again. We finally picked out a pair of shoes. They were the same color as my dress along with the gold heel.

We went to pay and Jeongmin payed for it. I waited away from them as he asked Hana unnie.

They finished and we walked over to the door. We were ready to leave when Taehyung and Hyomin walked in.

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