Ch. 22

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"Should we tell them?" Luke asked. I looked over at him and then at the kids. "We can tell the kids to go play and we can tell them later."

"That's fine." I said with a shrug. I looked over at the guys and cleared my throat. They all looked up at me and I smiled.

"Something wrong?" Michael asked me, eyebrows furrowed.

"No, nothings wrong, we just have to tell you guys something." Luke said. Ashton furrowed his eyebrows as well and looked between us. "Uh, kids can you go play in the backyard for a while?"

"Race you to the swings!" Tyler yelled before getting up and running.

"Not fair! You had a head start!" Ellie yelled as she ran after him.

"This sounds important." Calum said, leaning back and resting his arms behind his head.

"I'm pregnant." I said quickly. Luke looked at me weird.

"Way to ease into." He said, making the boys laugh.

"Congratulations!" Ashton cheered, a big smile on his face. I glanced at Mikey and he had a fond smile on his face while he looked at Ashton. I could cry from how cute it was. "This is so exciting! I'm going to spoil it! How far long are you?"

"2 months." I said. Luke wrapped his arm around me and set his hand on my hip before kissing my head.

"So you're going to start showing soon." Calum said. I nodded. "And the kids don't know yet."

"No. Ellie already thinks we hate her." Luke said. "And I don't know why because I give that girl everything she wants and needs."

"It's probably just a faze, she'll get over it." Michael said. Luke nodded slightly. "You probably need to tell them soon though, don't want Ellie thinking you hate her more than she already does."

"That's what he said." I said and nodded towards Luke.

"This is exciting." Calum said. "I'm going to be apart of its life since birth this time." Luke let out a laugh and looked at him. "You fucking moved Lucas."

"Ya, like 2 hours away." He said.

"And then you came to America." Calum continued.

"And so did you." Luke retorted. I rolled my eyes at them and got up to walk into the kitchen.

"Oh hey." Michael said, getting up to follow me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "I need to talk to you."

"Ok, about what?" I asked him. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck before looking around the corner. He then looked back at me and bit his lips. "Something wrong?"

"I want to propose to Ashton." He whispered. "We've been together for a long time and I know it's been on and off, but this time I have a feeling it's going to last a really long time and I finally want to make it official." I squealed and wrapped my arms around him, making him laugh.

"Mikey! Yes!" I exclaimed.

"I just don't know what to do." He said. I pulled away and smiled at him. "I need your help."

"I would love to help you Mikey." I said.

"Help with what?" Calum asked as he walked in the kitchen and got in the fridge. He pulled out a beer and looked at us before opening it.

"I want to ask Ashton to marry me." Mikey said quietly. Calum's eyes went wide and he smiled.

"That's amazing mate!" Calum said. "I can help too you know."

"He is actually quite good at this stuff." I told Michael, turning to look at him. "He did help Luke with me." Ashton and Luke walked in the kitchen, having a conversation and Mikey made the cut it out motion and we nodded.

"Are you ready to go?" Ashton asked Michael. He nodded and kissed my cheek before hugging the boys and heading out the door with Ashton. I let out a squeal again and Calum laughed at me.

"I'm lost." Luke said.

"Michael's going to ask Ashton to marry him!" I sang. Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled down at me before pecking my lips.

"Ashton will say yes." He said.

"How do you know?" Calum asked him, bringing his bottle to his lips.

"I just know." Luke said. 

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