Ch. 2

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"So when are you getting another tattoo?" Anna asked me.

"I plan on getting one tomorrow actually." I said. "You're more than welcome to come with me."

"I would love to." She said. "Is Sam going to watch Ellie?"

"Ya. I already talked to him." I said. "Ellie absolutely adores him."

"I bet she does." She said. "How old is he?"

"17." I said. She nodded her head. "He has a girlfriend."

"Does he?"

"Ya. He talks about her all the time with me and it's the cutest thing ever." I said. "He gets this dreamy look in his eye when he does."

"That's so cute." She said. I nodded and looked at the clock.

"Well I'm off. I need to go pick up my baby." I said. She smiled and nodded her head. "See you tomorrow."

"Hey baby." I sad as I saw my daughter walk out of the school. She smiled and skipped over to me.

"I made a new friend today!" She said with a smile on her face.

"Oh ya?"

"His name is Tyler." She said. "There he is! Tyler!" Tyler saw her and ran over. I looked up at Luke and he looked at his son weird before throwing his hands up as he watched him run over to Ellie. He then saw me and smiled before coming over here. "This is Tyler mommy."

"Well hi Tyler. My name is Korey." I said.

"Korey? Isn't that a boys name?" He asked me. Luke's eyes went wide as he looked at his son.

"Tyler." He snapped.

"No it's ok. It is a boys name but my mommy and daddy made it unique. It's spelled K-O-R-E-Y." I said then looked at Luke.

"Mommy. Can Tyler come over and play?" Ellie asked. Luke looked at me and then at Ellie. He walked over to her and crouched to her level.

"Hey Ellie. I'm Luke." He said.

"Hi. You were really tall." She said. "But now you're my height!" He laughed and nodded his head.

"How about we set up a play date for you and Tyler sometime. How does that sound darling?" He had a smile on his face the whole time. Just when you think a guy can't get any more attractive, he interacts with kids. God, I need to stop.

"Hmm... Ok! But can it be tomorrow?" She asked him. He looked up at me and I shook my head.

"Sam is getting you from school tomorrow baby. I'm going out with Anna." I said. She pouted her lip out and crossed her arms. "I mean, I can ask Sam if he wants to watch two kids."

"I guess I'm ok with that." Luke said. Tyler then jumped on him from behind.

"Yay!" He yelled. Luke smiled at him and then rolled his eyes. "Ellie! I get to see you at school and after school!" Tyler let go of Luke and payed all of his attention to Ellie, making me smile. Luke stood up and being right next to him, I just realized how much shorter I am than him.

"Oh jesus." I said, looking up at him. "Are you like, nine feet tall?"

"No." He said with a laugh. "I'm like, 6'4". Are you like three feet tall?"

"No. I'm like, 5'6"." I said. He laughed at me and then pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Here. I'm not sending my kid with someone I can't get a hold of and it would be nice if I could get Sam's number as well."

"Oh, right." I said, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. "Ok, there's Sam's." I showed him and he typed it in. "And here's mine."

"Ok, well I'll text you so you have my number." He said with a smile. "Hey Tyler, bud, we got to go. Grandma Liz is coming over."

"Heck yes!" He shouted. "By Ellie! By Ellie's mom!" He ran to Luke's car and got in. I laughed at him.

"He's absolutely adorable." I said. Luke smiled and shrugged.

"He's a brat." He said, making me laugh. "I'm liking the tutu Ellie's in though. Leather jacket on top."

"She called herself badass this morning." I said, looking at Ellie, who blushed. It was his turn to laugh.

"Badass?" He asked. "Where did she hear that from?"

"Definitely me." I said, making him laugh again. "Ok, well I'll see you later." He waved and we parted ways.

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