Ch. 24

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"I'm going to kick his ass." Luke said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his back. 

"No, you're not." I said with a laugh.

"He thinks he can just date my daughter." Luke said.

"Ellie is 17 years old. It was about time she started dating anyways." I said. 

"Do you know what teenage boys think at 17? I do, and I ended up with this dumbass." Luke said, pointing at Tyler.

"Fuck you too dad." Tyler scoffed, making me laugh. "And you're too old to be kicking anyone's ass."

"Ok, I'm going to kick your ass instead for making that comment." Luke said. I rolled my eyes and let go of him. I walked over to Tyler and placed my hand on his head, massaging it. 

"Oh ya. I love it when you do this." He said, dropping his pencil. Luke rolled his eyes and I stopped, leaning down to kiss Tyler's cheek before sitting down next to him. "Where's Cameron at?"

"I took him to Grandma Liz's because I didn't want to have to put up with an eight year old running around tonight." I said.

"Oh. When is Squish's special someone going to be here?" Tyler asked.

"You still call E Squish?" Luke asked with a laugh.

"Ya. I'm the only one allowed to though. She gets pissed when other people call her that, it's quite funny." He said with a smile. Luke rolled his eyes and looked over at me.

"Mom!" Ellie yelled.

"How about now?" I asked. She walked in and looked at all of us.

"Please be nice." She whispered. "Especially you." She said, giving Luke a pointed look.

"I'll try." He said. She sighed before walking out and coming back in, holding a girl's hand. 

"Mom. Dad. This is Rebecca. My girlfriend." She said. I smiled at her before pulling some plates out of the cabinets.

"Well Rebecca, I hope you like lasagna because that's what's for dinner." I said. 

"I love it actually." She said, smiling at me. She then looked at Luke and her smile faded.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" He asked her.

"Dad." Ellie muttered, covering her face with her hand.

"Ellie Rose Hemmings, I am your father and I have been for about eleven years now, I am allowed to ask these questions." He said, glaring at her. He then turned to look at Rebecca and glared. "Well?"

"Uh-" She started but I cut her off.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings." I said. He turned to look at me slowly. Tyler looked at him and smirked. "Stop it right now."


"No. Quit it." I said. He opened his mouth but closed it and sighed, leaning back in his chair, rolling his eyes. Tyler let out a laugh then made a whipping sound. 

"I'll kick your ass. I'll do it." Luke said, pointing at him.

"No you wont." Tyler scoffed. Luke stood up and slammed his hands down so Tyler did the same.

"Don't test me!" Luke exclaimed.

"I'm bigger and younger than you! I'll win! I'll do whatever the hell I want!" Tyler retorted. 

"He got you there." Ellie said. She then turned to Rebecca, who looked scared. "It's ok, this is their relationship. They're always like this. It never turns into anything physical. Mostly because I think that Dad knows Tyler can kick his ass." Rebecca laughed and Luke glared. 

"I hate you all." He said and walked out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"To watch some good old American football." He said. 

"Hell ya." Tyler said, following Luke into the living room. 

"Well I guess it's just us girls then." I said. They both smiled and shrugged their shoulders. 

"Wait, so you're not surprised or upset that I'm gay?" Ellie asked. 

"No? Ashton's gay."

"Well, I mean, I'm your daughter." She said. 

"Ok, well Tyler didn't have to come out as straight, I don't really think you should have to come out as gay." I said, setting two plates on the counter before grabbing mine.  

Single Parents (Luke Hemmings AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora