Ch. 8

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"You put sausage in your gravy?" Luke asked me. I smiled and nodded my head, stirring the gravy around the pan. He was standing behind me with his arms around my waist as I made breakfast for everyone. I wouldn't usually be this touchy feely with someone until later on but there was something about him. I always wanted to feel him touch me. It didn't have to be in a sexual way, just in a loving way. I don't know what it is, but I'm just so drawn to him that I don't even care about my rules I have for dating anymore.

"Ya. It's really good." I said.

"Mommy! Can me and Tyler have orange juice?" Ellie asked, coming into the kitchen. Luke let go of me and grabbed some cups out of the cabinet before getting the juice out of the fridge. How he remembered where the cups were was beyond me but oh well. "Thank you Luke."

"Thank's dad." Tyler said.

"That stays in the kitchen." Luke told his son. "I don't want you spilling it."

"You too Ellie Rose." I said. They both sat at the table and I went back to what I was doing. "Are you guys hungry?"

"Yes!" They said at the same time. I grabbed plates out of the cabinet and but biscuit and gravy on them before giving them to the kids.

"Here." I heard Luke say. I turned around and he held out a plate to me. I smiled and sat down next to Ellie, taking the plate from him. I watched as Ellie and Tyler had a conversation about princess's and dragons, smiling at them. I looked at Luke and he was watching them as well. He furrowed his eyebrows at something Tyler said before giving him a weird look.

"Are you my new dad?" Ellie asked Luke. My eyes went wide and I looked at Luke. He looked over at me with a blush on his cheeks before coughing.

"Uh, well sweetie-" I started, getting cut off by Tyler.

"Wait so does that mean that Korey's my mom?" Tyler asked. My face burned as well as I looked between the kids.

"Um, well n-" Luke started, getting cut off as well, but by Ellie.

"Tyler, we're brother and sister!" Ellie exclaimed and Tyler cheered. They both looked so happy and I felt guilty. I just looked at Luke and he opened his mouth but closed it, saying nothing.

"What are you going to say to Ellie, because I have no idea what to say to Tyler." Luke said.

"Well you're not her dad, so I'll probably start by saying that." I said.

"I mean, I know we've been out once, but maybe sometime down the road, I would hope you wouldn't mind her calling me that." He said. I looked over at him and swallowed. "I know that's probably weird to you, but I've fallen in love with that little girl, just like I fell in love with Tyler when he was born."

"I know you have. She adores you." I said. He smiled at that and nodded his head. He sat down on the couch next to me. "What if she starts calling you dad?"

"It wouldn't really bother me. I know it would bother you, and I understand why of course, but I already get called dad so it would be normal to hear, I probably wouldn't think anything of it." He said. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"It's just, what if she gets attached to you and we don't end up working out? That will crush her and I will be sad because she's sad." I said. "We've been on one date Luke. One. Her already asking if you're her dad is scary."

"I get that. But if you think about it, I get her from school for you when you can't, and I have no problem with that. I see her all the time. I'm already more of her dad than her actual sperm donor is, so I guess it is what it is." He said with a shrug.

Single Parents (Luke Hemmings AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें