Ch. 12

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"Come on kids!" I yelled. They both ran out into the living room and I sighed before getting them outside and into the car.

"Are we going to see dad?" Tyler asked me as I pulled out of the driveway.

"Yes. We're going to see your dad." I said, pulling up to a red light. All of a sudden, we're jerking forward forcefully. I turned around to look at the kids to make sure they're ok and sigh when they're perfectly fine. I get out of the car and walk around to the back where there is another car smashed into my back bumper. The person got out of the car and came up to look.

"Jesus christ really?" She asked. I gave her a hard glare.

"Did you not see me in front of you? Plus there was a read light?" I asked her. She looked at me but I groaned and pulled my phone out of my pocket, calling Luke. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, when are you-"

"I just got rear ended." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Ya, I was sitting at a red light and this girl didn't pay attention and fucking rear ended me. The kids are fine, the car however is not." I said.

"Hey Bobby! I have to go! My girlfriend just got in a car accident!" I heard him yell. "I'm on my way."

"Seriously?" He asked the girl. "How do you not see a big black sedan in front of you? And the light was red."

"Sir, please calm down." The officer said. He looked at the officer with wide eyes.

"Calm down? My family was in that car. And while yes they are fine, they could have been seriously injured." He said, pointing at the car. Anna came and got the kids, taking them to her place so they wouldn't have to be here. All I could think about was that he just said family.

"I understand that sir, but freaking out wont help the situation." The officer said calmly. "You need to give them your insurance so they can get this fixed."

"Whatever." The girl said. Luke glared at her and I wrapped my arm around his, tugging on it. He looked at me and sighed before rubbing his eyes with his other hand.

"This is your fault. Ms. Jensen was sitting at a stop light and you rammed into the back of her car." The officer said. The girl rolled her eyes and the officer mumbled some things under his breathe before walking over to the car.

"Are you ok?" Luke asked me. I nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"My neck and head hurt but I'll be fine." I said. He kissed my forehead before pulling me into a hug.

"So are we going to get your insurance or not? Because I'm not paying for your fuck up." Luke said to the girl. She rolled her eyes before walking away. "Does she not understand that she caused this?"

"I think she's fucking stupid." I said. "Family huh?" I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned down and kissed my nose before pecking my lips.

"You guys are my family." He said. "The fact that it's only been six months doesn't change that."

"She didn't even think she did anything wrong. It was ridiculous." Luke told Anna. I rolled my eyes, just thinking about the girl and the car. "She was fucking stupid."

"What is wrong with people?" She asked. "I don't understand."

"I don't either." I said. "We're going to go now. I'm exhausted." She nodded and me and Luke each grabbed a kid, hauling them off to the car. When got in and pulled out of her driveway, heading to Luke's house. When we got there, we took the kids to Tyler's and put them in his bed. Tyler going on the top bunk, Ellie going on the bottom. I shut the door and walked to Luke's room, where he was busy getting undressed. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and layed my head on his chest. He set his hands on top of mine, lacing our fingers together. He then let go and turned around, backing me into the door. "Well hello there."

"Hi." He said with a laugh and brought his lips to mine, picking me up and carrying me to the bed. I giggled as he threw me down and he smiled before rolling his eyes, climbing on top of me.

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