Another Messed Up Day

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This week has been the worst so far. Today made it worse. I was in English, my first class. Katelyn was in that class with me. Abbie wasn't here today so I sat by myself and said nothing.

"Hey Hollie! Where's your ugly little, non-popular friend?" Katelyn said to me.

"I don't know..." I barely whispered.

"Hahaha, you have no friends. She probably deserted you!!" Katelynsaid to my face. She over exaggerated her laugh.

"She didn't desert me. She's a better friend than that." I spoke a little louder.

"What did you say, you little worm?" Katelyn hissed right in my ear.

"I said' She didn't desert me. She's a better friend than that.' Even though you don't know what it's like to be a friend." I said almost yelling.

"You better watch your mouth little nothing! I know how to be a friend better than you! That's why you don't have any friends!!"

"Oh, wanna bet?" I said standing up.

"Oh, you wanna fight?" I just simply punched her in the face. She attacked me and made me fall. Before I could get up she got on top of me. She was just pounding her fists into my face. I grabbed her wrists and crossed her arms. I shpved her back, so she was on her back. I was sitting on her pinning her wrists to the ground. I just noticed that my nose was bleeding.

"Why don't you try being a good person for once? You do realize your boyfriend doesn't even like you? He's cheating on you! I saw him making-out with some other girl! Don't you also realize that your friends hate you too? They're using you to be popular! How slow can you be not to notice thatt? I yelled in her face. Turns out she's stronger than me. She shoved me off some how. Her fists were covered in blood. She was punching my face so hard, I started blacking out. I felt my head go upand down, hitting the ground. I saw hair fall out of my head. There was blood under my head. I'm almost blacked out. She throws my head on the ground one last time and gets off me. Everyone was on the other side of the room. I evetually blacked out.

"That should teach you not to mess with me, you litt-" I barely heard Katlyn yell before I blacked out.

I woke up in a strange place. A place I've never been.  My head was wrapped up in a bandage. I couldn't see out of one eye. I reached up and felt my eye. It was covered with dry blood frommy forehead. It was puffy, I must have a black eye. I slowly sat up. I felt like I was going to be sick. I felt so dizzy. I felt like I rode one of those rides where they spin you so fast that you stick to wall, a thousand times. I was shivering. You could clearly tell I was cold.

"Hey there's my little Hollywood!" I heard a fimiliar voice. Logan gave me that nickname. So now Logan and Abbie called me Hollywood, and only Hollywood. I felt someone sit next to me. I felt a blanket wrap around me. Then a pair of arms, then four arms. I leaned onto the person at my left. The person had a strong shoulder. I knew that shoulder.

"Hi bear." I said. I called Logan bear because he's like really strong, like bears.

"How you feeling?" He said with is wonderful deep voice. I love deep voices.

"I feel like, worse than crap."  I weakly replied. We just sat there in silence. Logan scooted over some. I rested my head on his lap which had a pillow. I streched out my legs. The person to my right must have left. I must of slept for 10 hours, because when I woke up, everyone was gone. The lights were out. I felt scared by myself. I needed someone. I just layed there shaking even though I had what felt like 10 blankets on. I sat up. I looked around. I realized I was in my room. Why did it look so different? I felt still so dizzy. I looked at my side table and saw my phone, which was lit up. It only lights up if I have a message. I reach for my phone and see who texted me. It was from Abbie. It read: "Hey Hollywood! I heard what happened. I so sorry I couldn't be there to help you! I'm gonna come and see you soon! <3 <3 <3 <3"  I smiled to myself. I heard my door squeak a little. I looked up and saw steam. Someone brought me chicken noddle soup. I could tell by the smell. It was my favorite smell ever for some reason. I smiled the biggest smile I could. It was my dad who walked in. I was actually surprised.

"Hello little mess maker." He was joking...for once. I smiled weakly. I had on of those little table things that go over your bed, so you set things on it while in bed. My dad set the soup on my side table. He then pused the bed table up towards me. He set the soup on my bed table, and sat on my fuzzy chair I had by my bed. I set my phone on my bed table and dug my face into my soup.

"Slow down there!" My dad said while laughing a little. I loved his laugh...I hadn't heard him laugh since before mom passed. I smiled at him.

"You have  the best laugh ever." 

"Well, thanks. Do you want some hot chocolate? Logan's down stairs making some." My dad asked while standing up.

"I would love some, please." I smiled at him while he left, and he smiled back. My dad didn't come back though.A few minutes later I got a text. It was from Abbie: "Hi, you awake yet? You've sleeping forever! I came by earlier but you were sleeping! <3" I texted back saying I was awake, of course with a smiley face. She immediately saying: "Good! I'm coming by to se you right now! I havesomething for you. (;" When Abbie put winky faces, that meant something awesome was coming. I texted Danielle: "Hi Dani." Logan came up a few seconds later with two huge mugs of hot chocolate. I smiled so big.

"Hey Hollywood." Logan said with this huge smile.

"Hey bear." I smiled as he handed me a mug. "Thanks, this smells so good!"

"You are very welcome Wood." I forgot they called me "Wood" for short. My phone lit up as I was smelling my hot chocolate. I took a quick sip then looked at my phone. Danielle texted back, saying: "Hey there E! Are you read for our shopping spree tomorrow? :D" Crap...I forgot about our shopping spree. I just replied saing: "Of course! I'm so excitied! Can I bring some friends just to hang around?"  Danielle was the only one to call me "E". Just just like saying the alphabet, but only the letter E. I honestly don't know how she thought of that. I realized Logan was looking at me. I looked at him.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi." Logan replyed.

"How are you?"

"I...I...I'm not sure how I am. It's been so rough for me know." I felt really bad. I patted the bed next to me. Logan sat his mug on my side table and climbed into the bed, next to me.  He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into him. I love when we snuggle because he's so warm. I started dozing off again. It was about five minutes of sleep though. I woke up to a car door slamming. It scared me a little. I realized Logan's arms weren't around me. I looked towards him. He was sleeping. I kissed his cheek softly. About two minutes later I knew whose car door it was. Abbie pushed the door open some. She pushed the rest of it open. I smiled at her. I pointed at Logan with a finger on my lips. She made a face that you would make at a baby.

"awwww, two love birds sitting in a tree." She whispered softly in order not to wake Logan.

"Oh hush it!" I whispered back. She put her arms out for a hug, I replyed to her motion. She hugged me softly. As we were pulling away, Abbie stopped her face by my ear. She whispered, saying: "He's been worried sick about you. He didn't sleep at all last night." We finished pulling away. I mouthed 'really?' to her. She nodded her head. She sat on  my rolly chair. We were in silence for a while. Logan jerked awake.

"Yay, baby Log has awaken!" Abbie said in a hilarious voice. I just laughed and laughed. That was the first I laughed since, wait...If he shopping spree was tomorrow, that means I slept through Friday! Logan replied to Abbie by throwing a pillow at her.

"Did I sleep through Friday?" I suddenly asked.

"Yeah, you slept forever!!" Abbie said kinda loud. I held my ears when she said that.

"Oh, dang it! Sorry, I didn't mean to yell." Abbie quickly added.

"You're fine Bee." I said smiling. Everyone called her Bee. I leaned against Logan again and fell asleep, again.

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