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I'm wearing My black Converse, red skinny jeans and a Taylor Swift shirt to school today. It was one of my favorite outfits for some reason. I was at my locker when I noticed the new girl walking towards me. She was in most of my classes. Her name...I think is Abbie..I'm not 100% positive though. Oh well.

"Hey," Abbies said. "Your name's Hollie, right?"

"Um, yeah. why?" I asked.

"Oh, well, I just wanted to say your hair is really pretty and I love your shirt!" She said.

"Thanks. I didn't think anyone liked Taylor Swift. Everyone makes fun of me for liking her." I replied.

"Really? How could anyone not like Taylor? They must all be crazy!!"

"Yeah they pretty much all are! Hey, want to walk to science together?"

"Yeah that'd be awesome!" Abbie said. I think I just made a friend. Abbie was really pretty. She looked exactly like Acacia Clark. I can't believe she talked to me though. No one ever talks to me. Maybe life was getting better for me. My science teacher was hilarious. His name is Mr. James. He's tall and has spikey hair. He's not old he's like in his upper 20's. Yes, that is really young for a teacher, but what ever. As we walked into science Mr. James threw a footbal at us. We both yelped like little girls riding their first roller coaster. That was typical for him. He was the football coach after all. We sat next to each other. Of course before we didn't talk at all, but this class we couldn't stop talking. Mr. James had to keep telling us to be quiet. We had science 5th period and lunch was right after 5th period. We were going to walk together of course.

"Um, Do you have a boyfriend?" Abbie asked.

"Hahahaha...." I paused. "Nope, I don't. Never had a boyfriend. Why? Do you like someone??"

"Oh my gosh!" She made a stupid looking surprised face. "Actually, I do."

 " Awwwwww. Who is it? You have to tell me!!!!"

"Are you going to tell them I like them??"

" I promise I won't tell anyone!"

"Okay fine. The guy I like is....

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