My crush is...

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"My crush is..." Abbie paused. "Logan." I just sat there with hamburger in my open mouth. How could she like the sam guy as me? I thought.

"What? What did I do??" Abbie questioned, clearly confused.

"Nothing, it's just that, he's the hottest guy that goes here!" I responed.

"Hahahaha, that's so true!" We just sat there and laughed. We couldn't even eat our craply put together hamburgers. We stopped laughing after what seemed like an hour. We were crying by the end, it was worth it though. As we were walking to art, Logan walked past us. I pretty much melted when he flipped his hair. I could here Abbie sigh as I was lost in his eyes, that weren't directed towards me. Abbie nudged me so we weren't late for art. I think she figured out that I liked him too. We were right outside the door when the bell rang. The bell was more of a gong type thing, not really a bell. Logan was in our art class. Abbie kept looking at Logan when he laughed, smiled, or breathed. She was acting kind of wei- Oh my gosh! Logan's walking right to our table! I looked at Abbie who was fixing her hair, so she looked even more perfect. Logan was getting clo-wait, is that a piece of paper in his hand? Was he giving Abbie his number? No, he can't do that! I've liked him since sixth grade!

"Hey Abbie," Logan said with his perfect smile.

"Oh, hi Logan. I didn't see you there." Abbie replied faking suprised. Logan pulled out a stool and sat down. He looked slowly towards me and winked.

"How you doing Hollie?" He asked biting his lower lip. I nearly fainted.

"Hey.." I said weakly.

"Do you mind if I sit over here?"

"No, not at all. I wouldn't mind."

"Cool." Abbie scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to me. It read: "Hollie, I found out you like Logan. I'm sure you liked him first and I just wanted to say..or well write, that if he askes you out, I'll be fine with it. He's more of your type, not mine. What if he asks me out? Not that he would, but let's just say he did. Would you hate me for life? ~Abbie" I looked up at Abbie once I finished reading it. She looked at me. We stood up at the same time and hugged each other. We both sat down smiling.

"What was that about?" Asked Logan.

"Oh just girl things." Abbie said.

"Oh, I'm fine with not knowing then. What did you write to her?" Logan said looking into Abbie's eyes.

"I was just telling her how my dog was getting old and might die soon." 

"Oh, I'm sorry about your dog."

"Thanks." I finally replied to Abbie's note. I replied saying: "Abbie how could I hate you if he asked you out? How did you find out that I liked him? I've been in love with him since the sixth grade. I wouldn't be mad if you dated him. No one is my type. I mean I'm an awkward unicorn pickle. (If that even exsists!!) Thanks for being an awesome friend. :) Hollie" I slid the paper toward Abbie. Abbie picks it up and reads it.  She looks at me when she's done reading and mouths 'Thank you'. I just smile as a reply. Logan looks up at us and giggles.

"What's so funny?" I slightly yell. Logan just laughs and laughs. Abbie and me just look at each other confused. He laughs for close to 10 minutes. 

When he finally calms down he says, "You two are just so cute when you do that!" OM MY FLIPPIN WORD!! DID HE JUST SAY WE WERE CUTE?!?! I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EARS! Abbie and I looked at each other with huge eyes. I could hear Logan's laugh in the background. Abbie and me turned out heads to look at Logan at the same time, still with our huge eyes. He just laughed. There was the gong ending art. Logan stops laughing after Abbie and me left him. He looked around for us and ran out of the room.

"HEY! WAIT UP!" Logan yelled down the hall for us. We stopped and turned towards him. You could see his arms flying around above the crowd. We were both laughing by the time Logan caught up.

"Way to leave me back there!" Logan joked.

"You are very welcome, my good sir." I replied jokingly. Logan is standing there out of breathe. Abbie said she had to go to her locker to get her gyn clothes. I already had my gym clothes in my bag so I stood there with Logan.

"In art, when I came over, I wanted to talk to you but I got scared and didn't say what I wanted to." Logan said looking at the ground. My face got a little red. He looked up deeply into my eyes and grabs my hands.

"What I wanted to say is that I really like you. I've liked you since the sixth grade. I've always wanted to tell you, but I got scared everytime I was about to tell you." He started to lean in really close. Then, the unbeliveable happened. Logan kissed me! I pretty much died right there. The hallway was super crowded so people kept bumping into us but we didn't care. Logan slowly pulls away. He glides his hands out of mine, leaving the piece of paper in my hand. He looked at me, bit his bottom lip and walked away.

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