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Hey guys .U.

Not sure what that face is doing there...but it's there. Okay, so I wanted to update, but I didn't. So this is probably going to end up being a long chapter. Once I write, I write. Actually you haven't really seen my write when I get in the writing mood....

Last chapter was actually a struggle to finish cuz I'm  a baby. I hope this turns out to be a long chapter, but I got no plans. I'm just writing. I really want to get started so I'll stop blabbing. 





"Why the freak did you get 8 pizzas?!?!" I ask in shock.

"I'm hungry!! And I know how you eat with pizza being in the same room as you!!" That's right. It was Logan's birthday party and he only bought pizza for his guests to eat. There were about 10 pizzas and I ate like 3 alone. I'm such a fat hog.

"What are we going to do while eating all of these pizzas?"

"MOOOOVIIIIES!!!!!!!!!!" Logan screams as he runs downstairs, but almost falling. He's such a clutz.

"WAIT! What movies exactly?" I question running down the stairs after this wild beast.

"I was thinking a Disney marathon since you like them so much and yeah..."


"AHHH!!! YES I'M SERIOUS!" Logan replies, in a high pitched voice making fun of me. "Now sit so we can start!!!" I obey, but first I grab a bunch of huge fluffy blankets to share. I plop down on the couch and throw the blankets all around me on the couch. I move the pizzas from the coffee table onto my lap while Logan puts in the first movie, Peter Pan. 

"I. love. this. movie. so. much." I say excitedly, while Logan lets out a chuckle. I hand him a pizza and grab my own as the previews start to roll. I groan and reach for the remote to skip ahead to the movie. I rapidly hit the skip forward button to quickly begin the movie.

By the end of the movie, 6 pizzas are gone and I'm dead asleep. The last thing I remember is Peter saying, "Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” I wake up to the blinding sun and try to sit up. Wow. What made me knock out so fast? I'm sure Logan stayed up all night. I can't remember the last time he slept...

The house is empty. A note on the coffee table reads, "You knocked out so fast, but you're adorable sleeping so I let you sleep. I...I have business to take care of so I'm heading home. Sorry." I stare at the note and look at the back. There's more. "I hope you don't hate me..but I lied to you."  That's all it says. Lying about what? What does he mean? Did he cheat on me? Did I do something wrong?

(Sidenote: This is where it gets sad. I'll say when it's over.)

A feeling that hasn't been back in a while, comes. My mind flashes to a little piece of metal. I think about my skin bleeding. My heart starts beating faster and faster as I slowly walk up the stairs to the bathroom. The floor is freezing cold, and so is the little metal in my hand. I take a moment to inspect it and see it's dull. I toss it and grab a new one. Nice and sharp. 

I jump at first when I feel the sharp metal dig into scarred skin. Blood instantly pours out and tears do the same. Tears make the blood spatter around and fall to the floor. 

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