My Messed Up Day

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Today at school sucked. This girl who bulies me a lot, bullied me today. Her name is Katelyn. It  was an awesome day so far. In Math, the only class withour Abbie or Logan, she came up to me and punched my back really hard. I just started coughing. She came back around and slapped me hard in the face. My eyes couldn't help but form tears. I stood to go talk to the teacher, and Katelyn put her foot out. She tripped me and while I was falling she shoved me so I fell even harder. I just layed there cying. The teacher rushes over to me. She askes Ktelyn what happened.

"I don't know what happened, she just fell," Katelyn said with a totally fake innocent look on her face.

"Are you sure that's what happened?" The teacher asked. Katelyn just nodded her head, and grined evily at me. The teacher helped me up. She told a couple of students to help me to the nurse.

"I'm sorry Katelyn's such a jerk," said one of the students helping me.

"It's not your fault she's a jerk." I weakly replied.

"She really beat you up back there..." The other student paused. She noticed my wrists and gasped. "You do self-harm?"

"Oh, yeah. It's the only way I feel better." I replied.

"Well, you shouldn't do that. You know you could die if you do that?" She said. The tears were gone, but they were coming back. Those words she just said made me break. I just froze and fell to the ground crying.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I shouldn't of said that!" She helped me up. We just walked in silence. I was still crying when we got to the nurse. The nurse was familiar with me, considering how much I come to her. 

"Oh gosh dearie, what happened this time?" The nurse said politely.

"Katelyn tripped me again." I replied still crying. The nurse thanked the students and sent them back to class. I eventually stopped crying. I just sat in the nurse's office until lunch. Lunch was two classes after math. This is the sixth time I've been to the nurse this week. After I sat there with ice on my head and back, I went to get my stuff. When I walked in only the teacher was in the room. She looked up at me when I walked in.

"What really happened in math?" The teacher asked.

"Katelyn punched me. Then slapped me. Then she tripped me and while I was falling she shoved me into the ground."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!!" She half ran and half walked overto me. She hugged me, but so lightly that I bearly felt it.

"I'm fine now, I'm just starving!" I somewhat laughed at that. The teacher also somewhat laughed. I just grabbed my stuff, waved bye, and left.

"Hey where were you Spanish, and Gegraphy?" Abbie asked.

"I was in the nurses office."

"Another bully moment?" I nodded. Abbie came over and hugged me. Logan just stood, so I had to put my arms out and motion him in for a hug. He hugged me for litrally ten minutes. It was nice to have him for those ten minutes, not saying a word. Logan just acted like a goof ball to help cheer me up. I couldn't help but laugh at him. When it was time to go in, Logan grabbed my hand. Next class was art. Logan held m hand the whole way there, except for five seconds. He let go when teachers told us not to hold hands, but he just took my hand back after we walked away. We walked into art and there was an unfamiliar face. I hate having subs in art because they know nothing about art. We all walked over to our table, when we got there Logan sat right next to me. Abbie sat on the corner. Logan's friends told him to come over by them, and I thought he was going to go. He got up, walked over to them and sat down. His friends started laughing at Abbie and me. Logan told them to shut up and he motioned them in closer to him. He told them something I couldn't hear, also I'm bad at reading lips. Logan's friends ot quiet looked at us, and turned back. Logan got up and walked back towards Abbie and me.

"What did you tell them?" I asked turning towards Logan.

"Nothing." He replied shrugging his shoulders. He smiled at me, then quickly kissed me right on the lips. The sub noticed and gave Logan evil eyes. Logan just shrugged, and kissed me again. Everyone saw what happened, and started laughing. The sub just looked at Logan surprised. Everyone was ooooohhhhhhhing and I couldn't help but laugh. My day just got better.

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