Chapter Nine: Our Apocalypse: Ali's Awakening

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"Hello?" Ali called out, coughing from the dust and rubble and coming out of the closet she had hidden in. "Is anyone there?" She turned around, though that wasn't so easy, only to find Jackie amongst the rubble, lying there, almost dead. "Oh God," she thought, "Jackie please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't be dead." She ran over to Jackie and luckily, there was a pulse, a weak one, but a pulse. Ali woke her up and tried to help her to her feet.

"Ali? Is that you? What happened?"

"I don't know, Jackie. You'll have to stay with me until I find my way out of here."

"The last thing I remember was math class. Mr. Valadez was saying something about the graphing method."

"Jackie, don't talk. San Pedro was just bombed by the Communists. I don't know how many others are still alive, but I know it's just more than the two of us; I can feel it." Ali had somehow hit her head and had short-term amnesia.

Jackie's knee had been cut open by a piece of glass she had been lying near. Looking around for the others, Tyler lay face down coming out of the middle closet. "Hold on Jackie. I think I see Tyler." It was indeed Tyler and he was breathing, trying to stand, but the attack had left him badly wounded. "Tyler! Are you alright?" Ali asked while trying to help him up.

"I can't stand. Ali, keep moving forward; don't wait around for me. There are plenty of other lives that need to be saved. Don't risk yours for mine: it's not worth it."

"No, you're coming with me and Jackie, now!" She forcefully tugged on his arm and made him stand and walk with Jackie and her.

It was hard to escape Mr. Valadez's room since the back door was partially blocked by a piece of the ceiling that had fallen and the room was practically divided since nearly the entire roof had caved in on the middle of the classroom. Ali tried to remove the fallen roof, but even with all her strength, it wasn't enough. "You guys, I know you can't stand or anything, but I really need your help to open this door." With their help, Ali was able to move the rubble and door aside and escape into the hallway. But just as they stepped out of the classroom, the hallway fell apart and collapsed in front of them. Ali spluttered as dust from the ruins flew at her, Tyler, and Jackie. She heard a rustle from the other side of the hallway, behind the ruins of the collapsed ceiling.

"Is anyone there?" a voice called out.

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