Chapter Two: It's Him

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It was the first day back at school so like late August and I saw my friends again for the first time in three months since I'm often busy over summer breaks being over programed with activities thanks to my dad which leaves little room for visits. I cautiously walked down with a stride that looked so confident, no one would be able to tell the difference between my self-conciousness and my concietedness. I breaved deeply and sweared under my breath for having to wake up so early and for the cruel morning heat. I was happy though when I saw my friends again. This year, I quit the innoccent, prim and perfect act that I normally played with a touch of concietedness, shmooze, and Harvard student for something a little meaner that would get someone's attention with a slight flirt toward the boys, the cute ones of course; it was all mean for the ugly ones.

"Sierra! How've ya been?" Athena asked.

"OH MY GAWD! Sierra, look at this picture of Chris! He's really sexy isn't he?" Alicia nearly screamed at me but with a fading tone by the end. Of course she would start talking about her boyfriend, as if I were interested in such an ugly git.

"Oh hey, Sierra, how was your summer break?" Olivia casually questioned.

"Wait, we actually had a vacation?" I wittily asked. When I saw Liora and Ali, I practically ran. Losing all the pretense of cool and doing what I vowed myself not to do, we just ran into some big jumble of a hug and started jumping around in a circle. Wow. That wasn't girly at all. Nice.

"What'd you guys do over vacation?" Liora inquired.

"I was just blown away by this super hot guys on YouTube called the Janoskians!" Ali said exitedly.

"Oh yeah, so did I; I was on Instagram like the entire break following everything about them!" Liora told us.

"I'll check them out later. But you know me, I was over programed with a load of crap that my dumbass dad signed me up for," I said casually. Looking confused, I asked, "What? What did I say?" They just started at me, mouths gaping.

"Wow; nice," was all Ali had to say, her gasp fading into a cool, closed-mouth smile.

"I mean, I know I kinda cuss, but I've never heard you cuss before," Liora said solemnly. "I'm so proud of you!" she cried.

They went back to talking about the Janoskians and that's when I turned my head. I saw him: Tyler Garcia. I've known him since Kindergarten. His face was round with an eternal red coloring. His heritage was European but his cheeks and his ears had this sort of an eternal blush to them. His jet black hair was cut in more of a moptop fashion than anything else and his brown eyes were filled with the sarcasm that I had adopted and more of an uncrackable shield I never could break. There was just something about him that attracted me to him and I just couldn't deny that fact now. Maybe it was his interest in a number of things that I was interested in or maybe just because, even though I hate sappy romantic cliches, I had love at first sight.

My friends must have realized that,even the bell rang for class, I was just zoned out and staring into where once was but now into empty space. They pulled me by the arms and I came back to reality and went with them to class. But I will never forget that I found him.

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