"I'll go hunting," I suggested. Amaya nodded and waved me off, and I set off into the forest.

There were now 13 tributes left, running about in the arena like headless chickens. Five more would have to die, and if the past two games were anything to go by, it would all go down today. I shivered and crossed my arms, a sudden chill overcoming me. I didn't want to lose anyone in my alliance. I'd become friends with all of them. But deep down, in my heart, I knew how slim the odds were of all four of us escaping the arena. I wasn't stupid.

"Ah, for fucks sake."

I froze. There was a voice just ahead. I crept forward a few steps, and peered through the leaves of the tree I was hiding behind. Standing a few metres ahead, twirling a mace in his grip, was none other than Jay.

My hands moved slowly to one of the syringes I had already filled with toxins, my thumb resting atop the plunger. I pulled it from my belt, pulled off the cap, and slowly advanced towards Jay. He still hadn't noticed my presence. I sucked in a deep breath, and then ran forward, leaping up and onto Jay's back.

"SHIT!" Jay roared, my sudden weight on his back throwing him off, "Get off me, you little rat!"

I held onto his back, my nails digging into his shoulders as I struggled to remain seated. Still being jostled about, I managed to hold up my syringe. I had a clear shot at his neck. Ignoring his attempts to shake me off, I quickly stabbed the needle downwards and buried it into the skin on the back of his neck, and pressed down on the plunger.

"What the FUCK?" Jay screamed. He lurched backward, throwing me off of his back. I managed to grab onto the syringe as I fell, tearing it from his neck and further through his skin. I tossed the syringe into the bushes and stared at him, still crouched on the ground. Jay's hand flew to the back of his neck, and a look of horror came across his face.

"What did you do?" he roared, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?"

I continued to stare at him, my eyes cold and merciless. Jay's legs began to shake and he collapsed, curling in on himself with a groan. I rose to my feet, staring down at the dying boy.

I felt little remorse for Jay, the same boy who had threatened me and my friends multiple times. It had to be done. I stood there for a few moments, watching as he seized up and shook violently, watching the goosebumps racing up and down his arms, until his body jolted violently and then went still.


Amaya Mills POV

"SWEET JESUS!" Tatiana shouted, jolting forward at the sound of the cannon. She sucked in a few deep breaths, her hand on her chest.

"Guys, that came from over there," I said hesitantly, pointing to the area where Daphne had gone minute before. Phillip frowned.


"That's the way Daphne went." I explained quickly. Phillip's eyes widened.

"Oh..." he hissed through his teeth, "...fuck,"

"C'mon, we need to find her," Tatiana said, rising to her feet.

"No need," came a voice from behind me. I jumped and twisted around in my seat. Daphne stood behind me, a downcast - almost emotionless - look on her face. She walked towards us and sat down on the log next to me, staring at the grass.

"Daphne, what happened?" I asked. "Did you see who died?"

"Jay." She answered. My eyes widened in surprise. Jay?

"What?" Tatiana stammered, "W-Who killed him?"

Daphne didn't answer for a moment.


"I did." She interrupted Phillip roughly, looking up from the ground. She looked forlorn. "I killed Jay."

Silence fell upon our group for a good few minutes. The only sound was that of the birds screeching and the crickets chirping. Then, Tatiana spoke.


"I... killed... Jay," Daphne said slowly, as if every pronunciation was a struggle.

"Shit, Daph," Phillip breathed out, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Daphne said stiffly.

"You sure?" I asked gently, "Killing someone isn't just something you can-"

"I said I'm fine," Daphne snapped quickly. Phillip looked back to the ground, scuffling his shoes on the dirt. I sighed.

Our alliance was falling apart.

Misty Wolfe POV

I rested my back against the tree, breathing heavily and my eyes shut. I shifted, the bark scraping against my arms, and tucked my knees up to my chest.

What had Santana told the others? My mind was still reeling from yesterday. She'd done something. Lied about something. I felt my stomach churn as my mind flicked through all the possibilities. Had she told them that I was planning on killing them? That I was secretly allies with Valentina's gang? That I was a freaking hippo? I doubted I'd ever find out.

I coughed, my shoulders sagging from tiredness. This was all so confusing, and frightening, and I was just about ready to go on a rampage, find Santana, and feed her to the sharks.

Santana? Try Satan, I thought bitterly. I sniffed and hugged my knees, my chin resting atop them. I doubted the minigame would last much longer. If I just hid and waited it out, my chances of making it to the Ultimate Games grew - immensely.

"Let's go," I mumbled to myself. I rose to my feet, picked up my knife, and walked further into the forest, beginning my search for a place to wait out the rest of these stupid games.

The 200th Annual Hunger Games - The Ultimate Gamesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें