Game 3, Day 1 (Bloodbath)

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I whipped around to see Max, waving at me wildly with panic in his eyes. He had a backpack in his grip, and looked to be on the verge of panic. I began to run towards him. All of a sudden, a figure began to creep behind Max, their long, white blonde hair a dead giveaway as to who it was. Valentina. I felt my gut twist. She wouldn't spare him.
Max glanced at me, confused. And that was when Valentina attacked. She charged forward, entangling Max in a headlock. I sprinted towards him, screaming at her to let him go. But she didn't. She simply looked up at me with a cold, blank stare, and then twisted her arm roughly to the side. A horrifying crack went through the air, and then Max went down, crashing to the floor with his neck twisted at an inhumane angle.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" I roared. I charged forward, my hatchet raised above my head, and took a swipe at Valentina. She managed to dodge it, but the blade still scraped along her shoulder, making her shriek in pain. She whirled around and sent a punch flying my way, but I staggered backwards and away from it. Valentina looked like she wanted to keep attacking me, but she spied another tribute and instead went after them. I let out a sigh of relief, then doubled back and began to look around once more.

"RENEE?" I shrieked. No reply. No answer amongst all the chaos. Finally, I caught sight of her - dark blonde hair flitting amongst the red that tainted my vision - and ran towards her. All of a sudden Will and Jay rose in my line of vision, attacking one another brutally. Cowering behind Will was Shay, staggering about. It was obvious that Will was desperately trying to protect the younger girl, despite not even being in the same alliance. Will had a sword and was slashing it violently at the career, whilst Jay was taking swings at the older boy with his mace. It ended quickly when Jay got the upper hand and sent his mace crashing into Will's skull, sending the blood and matter flying around the place like shrapnel. Shay screamed as a piece of Will's brains splattered onto her and she scuttled backwards before clambering to her feet, dashing from Jay as fast as her legs could carry her. I shivered, knowing that these memories would be forever trapped in my mind. My eyes latched back onto my sister, and I sprinted forward again.

"RENEE!" I screamed. I ran forward and grabbed my sister, my eyes wide, "WE HAVE TO GO!"
"What about Max?" she screamed.  I ducked my head, and Renee whole's body shook.
"NO!" she wailed plaintively.
"I tried to kill her, I really did, Renee."
She didn't answer. Instead, she just grabbed her knife, and the two of us fled the bloodbath, heading towards the dip in the earth.

Phillip Gilbert POV

Earsplitting screams cut through the air as tributes went down, taking their last breaths. I stood in the middle of the chaos, holding onto my backpack with an iron grasp, fear trickling through my veins, and observing the chaos. I watched as Shay darted away from Jay's lunging grip, and as the boy fell to the floor she ran forward and viciously kicked him in the face before darting away, leaving her three dead allies at the scene of the bloodbath. I felt pity for her. She was all by herself now. For a moment I considered asking her to join our alliance, but by the time the thought occurred to me she had disappeared over a hill in the plain.

A little way away, Chris and Jeffrey were taking swings at one another with their bare fists. Judging by the way Chris was mostly using defensive hits and Jeffrey was being extremely aggressive, the younger boy had instigated this fight. Chris all of a sudden sent his fist flying forward, shattering Jeffrey's nose, and Jeffrey fell back with a scream. Chris stomped on the boy's leg and an earsplitting crack shattered the air. Chris quickly grabbed a backpack and then ran towards the forest with Doug. Perhaps 30 metres in front of them was Rudy and Camille, both armed. Jeffrey groaned on the grassy ground, holding his leg feebly, before Rosalie appeared and quickly slashed her knife across the boy's neck.

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