I love you Brandyn McCalister

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"Rising star, Rhee Evans takes the crowds breath away with new hit song 'Violent Love,'
This song hit the top of the billboards, as many would say, faster than a meteor moving at the speed of light.
Critics say it is the hit of the year. Rhee captures the hearts of her Evanators with her creative style and outstanding vocals, being the only female celebrity able to successfully mix rock music with...

I scoffed. "I cannot believe this guy." I said. "He didn't even talk about my new haircut." I complained, flipping my hair excessively.

My best friend rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up." Iyanla said. "You know you don't care." She knew me well enough to know how modest I actually was.

I shrugged and collapsed on the couch bed. "I thought I'd try it out for a little." I said with a shrug.

She raised her eyebrows at me. "You know..being a bratty, spoiled celebrity." I clarified.

"You already got that down." My manager said, joining us.

I rolled my eyes. "Right China, and I'm also pregnant with your first child." I replied sarcastically.

Her eyes widened. "Will you name her after me?" She asked me feigning hopefulness. I threw a pillow at her.

"Stop speaking." I said, annoyed. My manager, China, was in her late thirties but acted like she was still a teenager. I couldn't blame her, since she hung out with Iyanla and I all of the time.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked her curiously.

She looked at me and made an effort to move her mouth but couldn't. "China?" I said sitting up. She gestured at her throat. I stood over her. "China, what is it?" I asked urgently. Though she acted as if she young, I wasn't sure how her health was after thirty and some years.

She suddenly straightened and rolled her eyes at me. "I wasn't choking, you idiot. You told me to stop speaking." She reminded me. "That's what you get for being rude."

I gasped and hit her. "You scared me!" I exclaimed. Iyanla burst out laughing and I shot her a look but they both ignored me.

I huffed and went to the front of the RV to ask my father where we were going since China was no help whatsoever. Though I was nineteen and a Hollywood superstar, he still insisted on being my designated driver.

"Hey honeybee." He greeted when I sat down. "Tough crowd?" It wasn't often that I came up to sit in the front of the RV. My father and I had a pretty good relationship, but his constant inability to separate father from "'manager" made it difficult for me to be around him, especially since he didn't understand that he was not my manager.

I snorted at his question. "China is quite the comedian." I said. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"To meet your boyfriend for breakfast." He replied causally. "How's the song writing coming?"

I gave him an annoyed look, not missing his attempt to change the subject. "Dad, you know I hate him." I reminded him. "What kind of father are you?" I demanded. Instead of guarding me from testosterone, he was full on pushing me into a relationship.

He smiled at me. "The best. Now go and make yourself look pretty." He looked me up and down with a disapproving face. I crossed my arms. Though China was technically my manager, my dad owned the recording studio, Gem Records. His word usually held more authority than hers...unfortunately.

His best friend Kendall McCalister owned a neighboring studio called KMZ something whatever, so they thought it would be great publicity if the two stars of each studio "dated."

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