Chapter 14-shower time

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WARNING!! Major smut holy shit. I think you'll enjoy it though.
I mean I do..

Have fun lil hoes<3
"How about this?" Alyssa asked me, posing like a model.

I glanced up at her. She was wearing some tight ass skinny jeans, a loose sweater and her black roshes. Her hair was thrown up and a really cute messy bun.

"Mhm, yeah. Looks fine," I said and then went back to my phone.

"Will you get off that damn thing?" She took it out of my hand and tossed it on her bed.
I started to laugh.


"It's fine. So should I wear this, or no?"
I looked at her for a minute, studying her outfit.

"Here." I walked over to her and started pulling little strands of hair out of her bun to frame her face.

"Perfect." I smiled.
She put her hand under her chin and did a cheesy grin. 

"And your butt looks big in those jeans, so that's a plus." I shrugged and went to retrieve my phone.

"Man, I'm so nervous! What if I say something stupid??"

"You will." I smiled at her and she flopped on the bed beside me.

"You better get going, it's almost ten." I told her.
She stood up real quick. 

"Ookay! Love you, byeee!"
She left quickly, the door slamming behind her.

"Bye!" I yelled after her. I'm pretty sure she didn't hear me, though.

"Wait Alyssa!!" I yelled out her bedroom window.

"Yeah??" She called back.

"USE PROTECTION!" I screamed, earning a disgusted look by anyone who was passing by. Alyssa turned bright red and flicked me off while getting into her car. I laughed.

I had forgotten that I was at Alyssa's house before she left which means I had to walk home. It's not that big of a deal, it's only like a fifteen minute walk. I needed the exercise anyway.

On my way home, I couldn't help but think about Luke. He had said he loved me and I said it back. I wondered if that was wrong of me.

I really, really like Luke. Like a lot. I've never felt this way about anyone. Shit, I had sex with him eight days after I met him. So, it's got to be love, right?
But what if Alyssa was right? How she said Luke could just be using me for sex. Don't know why he'd pick me, the guy was gorgeous and could get any chick he pleased.
What was so special about me, though?

I got home and went to the kitchen to get some apple juice. That's when I heard someone fumbling around upstairs. I just figured it was mom, so I sat on the couch with my juice and turned the tv on.

I had probably been home for like two and a half hours when I got a text from my mom saying she would be staying the night at Nathan's house.

I read the message and froze. Who did I hear upstairs?

For some stupid ass reason, I decided to check it out, but to be on the safe side, I grabbed a knife. I walked upstairs really slow trying not to make a sound. When I got at the top, I noticed my door was cracked open. I went inside.

"Hello?" I internally face palmed at how stupid that was. Yeah, Parker. You're gonna have a nice conversation with a robber.

I felt two strong arms wrap around me and their hands covered my mouth. Dropping the knife, I tried to break free. The person threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me. Then I saw who it was:
Fucking Luke.

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