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Chapter 19 - Got myself into trouble


I smiled as I woke up. Streched my hands and combed my hair. Warning guys, I am not the girl who are in the movies. Who are always stretching their hands, hair still fix and smiling. I always woke up with a new hairstyle, having a deep large eyebags that doesn't matter to me and usually grumpy. But today, I feel like I am one of the girls in the movies. I feel so bloomy today!

I looked at the clock. Wow. It's only 7:38 in the morning. I am usually waking up around past 10.

I've been staring at the wall, smiling weirdly. I am daydreaming, thinking what will happen on our date. I hope it's a perfect date.


I shook my head. I might say that I zoned out for a while. I looked around my phone, seeing the time. OMFG. It's already 7:44. I've been daydreaming for 6 minutes! Ugh! This what happens when I am bloomy, staring at the wall for minutes before realizing what I was doing.

I received 13 messages. Oh mah gawd.

9 messages from Louis, 2 messages from Emiko and 2 messages from Charlie.

I checked Louis' messages first.

From: Super Tommo (Louis)

'I wanted to drive you home. If only you agreed on that. :( x'

'Hey beautiful, Still shopping? If ya do, don't forget to buy a perfect dress for our date. ;) x'

'Don't be jealous at Hannah, okay? I know you are jealous. ;) Admit it. x'

'Ooohhhhh. No answers? Yeah, you are indeed jealous at her. I can imagine your face, dear. Mwuahaha. ;D x.'

'Heyy. I am sorry. :( I am worry. Why are you not texting nor checking your twitter? x'

'I can't wait.. I can't wait for our date on tuesday. Goodnight, my dear Ynabooo. x'

'Morning, Ynabells/Ynaboo/Marielle. Phew. You have too many nicknames! I blame myself for making it but. Admit it, these nicknames are cute. ;3. x'

'Hmmm... I guess you are staring at the wall again? Yeah, I know you more than you thought but seriously, I am not a stalker!!!!!!! Aahhhhg! Carrottssssss! x'

'Icky Ynaboo is bloomy today. Did I mention that Ynaboo and Boobear are cute? ;) x'

There are too many messages. Don't know what to answer nor reply first! But honestly, reading his messages make me blush like a freakin' tomato!

To: Super Tommo

'Nah. I am fine, don't think about me. x'

'No need for that! I have too many clothes here in my wardrobe. Can't even choose. Agh! x'

'I am not jealous at her. What for? :P x'

'Nope. You are telling another lie, Tomlinson. x'

'I was not replying because I am busy eating ice cream, duh? x'

'Yeah. Me too. :) x'

'Morning Tommo/Superman/Boobear/Carrotman! We are just fair, okay? :3 We both have many nicknames and we both make it for each other. x'

'Ohmahhgawd. Tommo is a stalker! Eekkk! x'

'What's your problem, carrot? I am bloomy sometimes, not always. Oh wait, Boobear+Ynaboo=Cute? Noooo waaayyyyyyy!!!!! x'

I was laughing and blushing while texting this message to him. I think he feels the same.

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