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Chapter 4 - Time for planning and joking around

I watched my mom leave me alone with Tommo. Then I noticed that Louis' was standing behind me. I felt like I get buttrerflies in my stomach whenever I am with him all alone, But, sometimes, I felt so ashamed of myself for just little things about me, which we all called or known as 'insecurities'. I am too lucky, that Louis here, is always making me feel that I am not alone. Uhmmm. Even though I am always with Louis, I can't help myself from being shy as usual. Now that I am with him, all alone again, I don't know what to say nor to do.

"Hello," Louis said shyly. He's not Louis, I mean, his not joking around anymore. or maybe now? the Louis I knew have always loved to fool around. Despite him being a joker, he does really have a good and soft heart. Louis, however, lowered his head to prevent having an eye contact with me and even to hide his shy face away from me. I did the same, instead of lowering my head, I decided to look around the street and pretended nothing had happen. But then, I noticed that this is kinda awkward. Why am I doing this to him? Nothing bad had happen, right:?

I turned around to face him and smiled at him like nothing had happen, "Hi-"

"Are you mad?" he asked politely,

"Uh... what-"

"I know you're mad at me. Just admit it-"

"Why did you-"

"Oh please. I know you hate me."

"Just let me-"

"Do not.. say a word, you are not eve-"

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON. WILL YOU STOP TALKING AND LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW," I scolded him loud enough for their neighbors to hear us. And I did this because of Louis for not letting me finish every sentence I said. Oh. I've got a feeling that neighbors are watching us through their windows. I glanced at Louis' window and saw Phoebe looking at us. I felt my knees getting jelly amd my cheeks burning as soon as I saw Phoebe eavesdropping. The thought of it made me feel more shy and nervous. I just shivered silently without Louis knowing to let out my feelings for a while.

Louis finally stopped and realised that he's wrong for not lerring me to speak. Guilt shown all from his face.

I took a deep breath before speaking in a calm voice. "Boobear, what happened to you-"

"Meehhh!? No. It is you who-"

I punched his arm playfully like he's my real bro and pretended like nothing had happen between us. "Stop talking, I say. You are interrupting my speech!" I scolded him, biting my lips to prevent smiling.

Louis smiled a bit and bowed in front of me.

"I am sorry, milady. It will never happen agai,." he said politely, looking at me. We pretended that I'm princess Marielle and he's servant Louis. Ohhh! I am so meaan!

"Let's get serious now." I laughed slightly, now changing the mood around the both of us. Honestly, even don't like or doesn't stay so long for being mad at him. No one can resist Louis, I say.

Louis chuckled and nodded in agreement. I am happy to know that he agreed with me, as usual. Oh my god, Marielle, what the hell is happening to you? You should get used to it.

I cleared my throat and stuttered quietly, "What's wrong with you? I mean, why are you apologizing to me?"

Louis' smile faded and looked at the ground, "Admit it. You're mad at me for making you come here. "

I smirked. "Oh please. I am not mad at you and asking me to come here on 6:15 pm isn't the reason why."

"I know you're saying that because you're my bestfriend." he muttered.

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