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Chapter 13 - It's not over

Our next destination is Forever 21. A boutique. This is where girls buy their dress or a gown for a special occation or something. The boutique is large, so colorful. Colorful and eye catching dresses and gowns. Actually, there place is so elegant looking, large glasses and colorful clothes made it good looking. The store is crowded, crowded by girls.

Actually, Me and Jana didn't know where to go first. We DO really want to buy the whole boutique if we have enough money.

"OMG, Look! Strapless dress, Cocktail,dress, Night gown-"

"Shhhhh. Stop talking, time is running." Jana said dreamily, covering my mouth.

"On the count of 3. 1.... 2.... 3!"

We took a cart and started to go in our own business. I took every dress I like and fitted it. All of them look good to me. Yay~

It took us 45 minutes to grab all of the dresses or gowns we like. And payed for it at the cashier. I used my credit card. So now, I am holding 8 paper bags. 2 paper bags for my books, 1 for the high heels and the rest are for my dresses/gowns.

While walking, I heard someone's tummy aching. I looked at Jana, she blushed and said, "I am hungry. Let's eat?"

I giggled and nodded in agreement. We went to the T.G.I. Fridays and ordered food. We sat near the entrance. I checked my phone while waiting for the food.

You received a message from Emiko

'Hey, sis. Why didn't you attend classes yesterday? Sam told me about it. Why?'

I smiled and texted her back, saying

'I attended a party with Louis.. And I am the one who is in charge on decorations.'

"Miss, Here is your order." The waiter said, handing us the food we ordered. We thanked him before leaving and began eating.

"So, girl, do you like the curly haired guy?" Jana said, taking a sip on her iced tea.

"Who? You mean, Harry? Of course not!" I said, smiling like an idiot. She pointed at my face, giggling.

"You like him? Omg! You like him!" She teased.

"Stop it. I don't like him." I said, I am a liar. Sorry. Actually, I kinda like him, especially his curly.

I stopped dead, mouthed open. I saw them again, now, they're here. Gods, Are they following us or this is just an unexpected.

Jana followed my gaze, face getting a little bit annoyed. "What the hell are they doing here? I mean, the girl. I am fine with the curly guy just for you but why!?"

I shook my head, continued to eat. Not minding them as they went inside the restaurant. I hope that they wouldn't notice me but.

"Babe, look. It's the brunette girl again." Beverly said, looked at me with some evil plan.

I stopped dead again. Looked at Jana and gave her a 'I smell war again' look. Me and my friend talk sometimes just by using our face expressions. Cool, right?

I can see Beverly and Harry walking towards us by the side of my eye. I can tell that Harry is annoyed at her girlfriend.

"Look who's here." Beverly said, crossing her arms.

"Look who's here too." Jana said, giving her an horrifying look again.

"Oh bitch, do you think you won this game?" Beverly said, she was talking to me. Harry is whispering something at Bev but Bev shook her head.

Beverly took the glass full of water. Instead of drinking the water, she threw it at me. Making me wait. All of the people were looking at us. Harry eyes got widen, he didn't expect it to happen.

"You deserved that, bitch," Beverly said, putting the empty glass on our table. She motioned her hand then walked out. All eyes focused on her until she went out of sight. Harry was still here beside me, he looked so sorry for me.

"I am so sorry for what she'd done to you. She's just like that, nasty," He said, as he handed me his hankerchief. He was a gentleman. I don't even know why would she love a girl like Beverly? I mean, she's mean that's all.

"What makes you love her, dude? I might kick her guts when I see her again," Jana threatened, she is so annoyed. VERY annoyed.

I was embarassed, I don't know what to do. Eyes are still focused at me. I took Harry's hankerchief and wiped my face where it's still wet because of Beverly.

"You okay?" Harry said, looking at me as I wipe my face with his handkerchief. I can't take it anymore, I cried. "Whoa, Calm down."

"I-I am not crying just because I am embarrassed to all of you. I am crying because of my anger. I am so willingly to throw that girl on a cliff! I hate her!" I said, gripping my knuckles because of anger.

"I'll talk to her, don't worry." Harry said, he put his arm around me. Then the waiter walked towards us and said, "Is there anything you need, madam?"

I shook my head, "No. It's okay."

The waiter bowed and went back to the counter.

"I think you should go now. Your mean girlfriend might be looking at you now," I sobbed. Harry shook his head.

"Forget about her.She's always like that," He said, patting my shoulders.


"Will you two excuse me for a moment?" He said, taking his phone out of his pocket and went outside of the restaurant to answer the call. I am not in the mood to finish my food, even Jana. So we payed it and went outside the restaurant, seeing Harry talking to Beverly.

I can tell that they're fighting.

"So you're telling me that I am wrong!?" Beverly yelled, crossed arms. Harry remained Calm.

"You don't' need to shout here, Bev. And Yes, I must admit, you're wrong. Not her-"

"So you're defending that stupid girl again! Huh?" She continued to yelled, Eyes all around them, again.

"I am not defending her, I am just telling the truth!" Harry shrugged, he IS annoyed. Cough, Cough, This is a Lover's Quarrel.

Jana held my hand, "Let's go and get her." She wanted to get revenge so she pulled me ahead to them. I tried my best to stop her but this is not working. Beverly and Harry looked at us, pausing their argument. Just in time we reached them, Jana slapped Beverly hard in her face. Me and Harry, jaw dropped.

"Oh my gods." I muttered

"This is not good." Harry muttered,

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