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Chapter 8 - Preparations for the party

"Are you hungry?" Louis asked

"Kinda." I answered.

"Let's eat at the nearest starbucks here."

We stopped at Starbucks. Louis parked the car in front of starbucks and we both get out of the car.

Louis opened the door for me, "Ladies first."

"Thanks." I smiled then walked in followed by Louis.

"What do you want?" he asked, taking his wallet from his back pocket.

"Chocolate chips flavored and cinnamon roll." I said, handing him money.

He didn't take it. "I'll pay it for you."


"My treat, Okay?" he said, smiling at me.

"Okay. Thanks." I said.

"Stay here while I'll order for us, 'kay?"

I nodded. "Okay, Tommo."

He smiled again and he went to the counter. While I sat on the chair beside me and opened my twitter.

'Here at Starbucks with @Louis_Tomlinson. Thanksss again, Tommo! ^_^' I tweeted.

Then he came back holding a tray of foods/drinks.

Louis ordered himself a Frapuccino and a Cookie.

"Here's your order, Ma'am." he said, putting a plate of cinnamon and my chocolate chip flavoured in front of me. My drink has a name on it. 'Ynabells'. I giggled and saw Louis has a name too, 'Boobear' as usual.

"Let's eat!" he said.


We ate our food peacefully. No one of us dared to talk.

After we finished eating our food, we stayed there for a few minutes. Of course, Louis need to rest too.

"So. You'll take the groceries later?" I asked and he nodded.

"Are you done with your decorations?" he asked.

"Yes. Except for the balloons." I said.

"Want me to help?" he asked.

"You don't need to-"

"I'll help you. Tomorrow, We'll start blowin' those balloons."

"Thanks, again." I smiled.

"That's the 3rd time you thanked me!" he said, smirking.

After a few minutes, we decided to leave.

Louis drove me home. We arrived at my house this 8:26 pm.

"Come in." My dad said.

"I'll stay here, sir. I'm just taking the groceries. " Louis said.

Me and my mom took all of the groceries from a cupboard. While.Dad chatting Louis. I hope he wouldn't ask some questions about me!

As dad and Louis saw us, they immediately helped us carrying the groceries and put all of it inside the car.

"Thank you, ma'am and sir." he said, "I must go now. I hope all of you will go to the party tomorrow."

Dad nodded. "We will attend, don't worry."

"Bye, sir, ma'am and Ynabells." he smiled.

"Bye." We said.

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