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Chapter 17 - Secrets Revealed


"Louis William Tomlinson," Jana growled

"Explain to her, now," Hannah shrugged.

I turned around, seeing a clueless Louis.

"Louis," I muttered.


"Louis," I muttered, giving him a poor puppy dog eyes and pouted lips. I wanted him to explain to me. So many questions popping inside my . I feel anger towards him. But I can't. I know that it will just take us into another argument with him.

"Ynabells," He muttered, he looked at me with a pleading look. A pleading look saying 'please let me explain'. His pleading look, I am sure that you'll not be mad at him. Those looks, ugh. So cute.

"Explain," I said annoyingly. I know that he knows that I am mad at him. He frowned.

"Do I really have to?" he pouted.

"Well, unless you wanted our friendship to stay strong." I said.

He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes. He is sooooooo cute. But sometimes m you need to forget the look and think that you have something to do..

"Ha. This is not working," I said, rolled my eyes meaning that I want to get the answer to my questions immediately!

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a place where Jana and Hannah cannot hear. He wanted to say something to me in private.

I glared at him, crossed arms with a look which he completely understand.

"I am sorry for not telling you that I have a girlfriend," he said, I glared at him. Not responding on his words. "I am also sorry that she didn't know anything about you."

I continued my business of glaring at him with annoyance on my face. I am so mean!

"I know that you are wondering why I didn't tell you about it."

Okay. I can't take glaring at him anymore. I don't want to ruin our friendship unless he is the one who is ruining it, ruining my trust and our promise.

"Can I ask you something??" I said, I am that desperate to know the answers of every of my questions. I want to reveal his secrets that I didn't know. Secrets that may affect our friendship.

Louis slowly nodded. Having a feeling that he is kinda worry to my questions that I am gonna ask him. He might spill something important too.

"Okayy," I took a deep breathe and...

"First question, whydidn'tyoutellmethatyou'llbehannahtoday?" I said, not breathing till I finish the sentence. He unfortunately didn't get it.

"Whoaaa. Slow down, you look cuter when you're paranoid," he chuckled. Ugh, is there something funny? It is not a perfect time for chuckling, Louis!

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Hannah were gonna spend some time here?" I asked, lowering my head so that he can't see my jealous face. YEAH, I AM JEALOUS. PROBLEM?!?

"It was an accident. I mean, she surprised me at my house saying 'Hey Louis, let's go shopping!'" he said. Mimicking Hannah's voice doesn't fits him. Not funny for me.

"Why didn't you tell me that you fancied her? I used to see her at school before she went to America," I asked.

"Well, I kinda fancied her but I fancied you more-"


"I am telling the truth!"

"The truth? Then why did she became your girlfriend if you fancied me more."

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