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Chapter 18 - What the hell just happened!?



"You just-"


"You just what!?" I smirked.

"You just kissed Louis Tomlinson on the cheeks!" Jana squeeked. She loves our story. She told me she loves our story, and now, I am starting to love it too. Nooo! I am not falling for him but.... Nevermind. ;)

"Yeah, I kissed him on the cheeks. Problem?" I smirked, winking at them. Whoa, this is the first time they saw me winking. Haha.

"Actually, Yes," Hannah muttered under her breathe. Jana gave her a death stare and look at me.

"Anyways, does that mean," she said. Her lips curved into a smirk. An evil smirk.

Me and Louis laughed.

"So you are thinking that we're dating?" Louis laughed.

"Umm, yeah?"

"Hell no!"

"Why? You kissed him-"

"I kissed him on the cheeks. What's the big deal? We are doing that sometimes since we are young," I said, still laughing.

Jana's smirk faded.


I looked at Louis, who was laughing so hard. He then recognize that I am looking at him and managed to give me a wink. Eeeewwwww. Ewwwww I don't like winks. Even though I'm doing it.

I sticks out tongue at him and he chuckled. "What!?"

"Nothing. You're getting more beautiful when you're angry and disgust," he smirked.

Jana fake coughed. "Oh my god, Louis, don't just stand there. Absolutely doing nothing. You should ask her on a-"

"Date?" Louis cutted her off.


Me and Hannah gave them weird looks. Well, Hannah doesn't like her ex boyfriend to ask her friend to go on a date. Right? Oh wait, Am I her friend now? Hope so.

"I already asked her," Louis smirked. I can see interest on Jana's eyes. She managed a wide smile.

"Really!? When?" she asked excitedly.


"How dare you for not telling this to me, Tommo!" Jana growled. Fake cry and fake mad. Nice try Jana, Nice try. Haha.

"Who cares? Anyways, I told you now," Louis smirked. Why does he kept smirking!?!

Hannah linked her arms on Louis'. We gave her our weird looks.

"WTF are you doing?" Jana shrugged. Rolled her eyes.

"Well, he's my ex boyfriend-"

"Did you hear yourself? You said 'ex'."

"Yeah. What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem, it's just that you are only his ex and I think you don't have rights to do this, okay?" Jana said.

Hannah raised her eyebrow. "I can do whatever I want, okay? Supposedly, me and Louis are having a fun moment till you two showed yourselfs."

Gods, I don't want to fight with this girl. I have no rights to get jealous, because Louis is not my boyfriend and I am not planning to. Wait, Did you hear yourself, Marielle? Oh geez, I should stop talking to myself.This place are only for normal people, I am normal tho. When I am not active. Hehe.

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