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It's a good day to have a good day.

2 minute leg stretch

1 minute ab stretch

50 leg lifts (right)

50 leg lifts (left)

1minute plank

75 mountain climbers

100 reverse crunches

50 regular crunches

30 bridge lifts( hold on 30 for 30 seconds)

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

Hey y'all! !! What's up? I hope you enjoyed todays workout I know I posted it late but I had a bunch of math homework today :-/ anyways...

A couple tips in case your not seeing any improvements...

1. Eat plenty don't starve yourself. When your body goes hungry your muscles start cannibalizing each other and you'll start getting week theen when you do start eating you'll gain weight instead of losing it.

2.eat healthy. Eat junk food for snacks between meals but for your main meals try something healthy.

4. Don't just move when working out before and after your workout try walking around or cleaning something.

5. My favorite DRINK WATER! seriously stear clear from drinking your calories HUGE MISTAKE!  If you don't like water squeeze two limons into it if you don't like lemons try some other fruit ..maybe and orange or kiwi....just ideas

Anyways I hope these helped

And if your still reading lol comment and let me know what you think♪

LOVE Y'ALL! !! ♥

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