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Exercise gives you: a good feeling+ a great body+ better skin+ a boost of energy+ a better mood = HAPPINESS♥

2minute leg stretch

2minute ab stretch

50 leg lifts (right)

50 leg lifts (left)

25 squats

100 regular crunches

20 bridge lifts(hold for 20seconds on 20)

50 mountain climbers

1minute ab stretch

Psalm 119:9
Wherewithall shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word.

Hey y'all (OUCH!) How many feel at least a little pain after a two week break. I'm seriously so sorry about that ,and ill try not to let it happen again. I promisr lol. These two weeks have nearly killed me

Comment and let me know what you did to survive the two weeks ...did you workout anyway, eat every chance you got, or cut back on food and walk every day, or seriously what?


LOVE Y'ALL! !!♥♥♥

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