Week Five 24/8 - 31/8

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Welcome to the fifth week of The DreamCatcher Book Club! To those who've completed their assignments on time, well done! To those who haven't, please do so now before we take measures into our hands. Strikes are nasty, and we'd hate to issue them to you.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To those who have yet to add this book to your reading list, we urge you to do so now. It's not only for egotistical reasons, but also for you. Yes, YOU! You need to remain updated. (If you're planning on joining, that is. Which you totally should, because DCBC is a party).

Without further ado, let us begin!


The book of the week for this week is Letters to Mannie by Yukki_Nakamura as nominated by lucygh12.


"Dear Marnie,

Today I accidentally bumped into this girl in the hallways, I didn't know her name but I think I was supposed to. She had someone help her up and then looking down at me she walked off with a disgusted look on her face, stepping on my hand. It hurts a lot, I still want to write to you though, I mean, you're the only one that listens.

From your dear Friend.


Dear Marnie,

Why does the world have this stupid cycle of love, I never end up getting the guy, so why fall in love in the first place? They ruin me, they tear at the remaining wires that are holding my heart up. It is ever so slowly sinking and I'm afraid that someday it will become too submerged to be saved from these depths I call my emotions.

From your dear Friend.


Dear Marnie's Friend,

I'm sorry but I have something to confess, I have been reading the letters you go through so much trouble to hide. I guess I just let my curiosity get the better of me but now I'm even more curious then I was before. So if you will let me I would like to ask a few questions, starting off with one that has been on my mind for a while; who is Marnie?

From Just Another Boy."




Vintaginity (Aqua Waters) & RahniaForever (Anything But Perfection).

mahak20 (Act Of Kindness Or Betrayal?) & blair_seen (Living By My Own Rules).

❀ mitsangel (It's Not Love) & illuminated_ (Halls of Asgard).

LittleMinx94 (A Fractured Lover) & MadelineSane (Icarus).

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