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i once

saw a young man

who was standing

very close to the

edge of a bridge

i ran up to him

intertwining my  fingers with his

and rubbed my thumb 

over his

i stood on my

tippytoes and

whispering into 

his pierced ear

and said 

'don't worry,

i love you'

He turned to me

with tears in his eyes

and wrapped

his arms around 

me. sobbing into 

my shoulders he whispered

"thank you"

i hold his 

beautiful face

in my hands,

my shaking hands

and wipe away

his salty tears

i slightly smile 

and say

" pick up your head 


your crown is falling"

he sniffs and raises his head

ever so slightly

and tries his hardest

to smile.

i look at his 

arms and notice

the scars

that cover his arms

and raise

my own sleeves

he notices 

and gasps

i give him a 

half smile and

spoke up

"i understand"

he runs his thumb

along my jagged harsh scars

i lift his free arm

and examine his own battle wounds

and softly kiss them 

i rummage through 

my messy

messenger bag 

and pull out a sharpie

i uncap it with my teeth

and write my name

on his arm and

lean up to his ear

and say,

"if you cut yourself

it will be the same

as cutting me."

he takes the sharpie

out of my hand

and repeats my words

and actions

and words

He lean his forehead

on to mine and 

last few tears

fall freely

down his face

i close my eyes

and do something

i have never done

i prayed.

i prayed for this 

stranger who,

underneath the

black and blue bruises

that cover his heart

is a beautiful gold

i lift my head 

and look him in the eyes

i hold out my pinky finger 

around mine

and whisper two words

"i promise"

i never saw

that young man again

but i know that

in the pit of my heart

he is happy

thats all that matters.

~Margaret Ann Plizga

Lovely poetry About DepressionWhere stories live. Discover now