Chapter 26

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-Rapmon P.o.V-
I took a quick glimpse behind me again, and finally the dark figure chasing us wasn't there. "Maybe he gave up?" I thought.
"Phew." I grasped for air, exhausted from the running, we finally stopped to rest by the gate of the Building labeled BigHit in a black bold colour.
"We are here." Jin responded, looking up at the building.
The gate keepers let us in without hesitation, they've probably been told either way.
"My.. How big-" words slipped out of my mouth. A crowd of workers in suit and ties walked by us in a rush. Working from day till dawn, how tiring.
"Excuse me? Where is the conference room?" Jin asked a guy, also in suit & ties.
"You must be talking about Mr.Bang Si-Hyuk's office. Follow me." The man offered help.
"We call his office the Conference room."
"BigHit Entertainment..." soft whispers escaped my lips, accidentally.
"Yes?" The man answered. Oh no, he must have heard me!
I reacted upon his question, smiling nervously. Keeping my mouth shut like a tightly zipped pocket I didn't spill out another single word.
"May I ask why you two are here?" The man asked out of curiosity. "I don't see many young visitors, you know."
A moment of silence trapped in the room, then suddenly, Jin broke the silence.
"I have an interview to attend," marked Jin.
My foot tapping against the marble floor we waited inside elevator as it advanced. The man kept us busy talking, well, he was sure chatty. When we stood only few meters away door step of the office, after the man received a phone call he insisted he was in a rush.
"Oh. I forgot to mention myself." He paused, before turning away. "If we happen to come across someday. I'll tell you, by then."
-Jin P.o.V-
My eyes set on the doorstep of the office that only stood a meter away, my heart anxiously beat to the rhythm. Taking a one big breath, I knocked against the door. I can hear light footsteps on it way.
"Come in. Come in." A man welcomed us. His jet-black hair with strings of grey pieces was drawn back with a moisturized oil.
"You are-"
"Jin. Sir. Kim SeokJin." I interrupted, politely.
"And you must be Namjoon?" He corrected.
"I'm Bang Si-Hyuk." He greeted, cheerfully as we exchanged hand-shakes.
"Don't get me wrong, you did qualify. But I invited you with the thoughts to differ you in a different band that specializes in ballad to match your vocals. But since you insist, on this, there's some things to be corrected."
"The group so far consists of 6 members that specializes in hip-pop genre, I'm afraid you'd not fit in to that category. But in a second thought, these days pop culture is a popular genre in music that includes singing as well." Mr. Si-Hyuk stopped to sigh in tiredness. I took this opportunity to speak.
"I want to create music that inspires people, that gives them hope and happiness. To be part of the group would make that dream come true-"
"But so will you in an another group." Mr. Si-Hyuk interrupted.
"It's not the same without these guys. It will never be" I cried. "I can't do it without them. They are like my family! I want to walk the journey with them."
"I understand you, Jin. In this circumstance, my real worry is if you won't be able to pull off concepts. It may be too difficult for you to handle." He babbled on and on.
"Difficult or not. Nothing is impossible until you try. And until you try, there's all the possibilities available." I replied, thoughtfully. "I will work hard to keep up with the pace."
"Well said." Mr. Si-Hyuk answered, pleased. "Hard work does pay off."
He kept the conversation short after handing me a form afterwards with the written registration and contract with BigHit.
"Omo! Did I just get accepted?!" I thought again, screaming in my head. But in the reality, a thankful smile plastered across my face.
After I filled out the form and the contracts, I left with Namjoon with a heavy 90degrees bow down and repeatedly thank-you's. I even lost count.
"Thank you." I remarked, one last time.

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