Chapter 17

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(Sorry for the long wait. It's hard to keep up with the story when I have other things to take care of)
-Suga P.o.V-
The reason why my diss track is dedicated to Bobby is because...
I hate his guts! The guts to talk about rap as if it was a piece of cake and like it was nothing to him! There are many that are as good, but there are also those who takes things to lightly[Bobby]. Trust me, I hate those kinds.
"Suga." A alerting voice crawled into my ears, sounded definitely like Rapmon's.
"Your name got called." Quickly, I came back to my senses.
Standing tall and proud on the stage, I began to rap with a hustle tone but relaxed.
"I don't know you. You don't know me. Hear me once. I'll be the history saved in your brains." I rhythmically followed to the flow of the beat to keep my voice steady through out the lyrics, although I did struggle a little. "Ya think you're the numbaaaa One? Ya claim you are? Haha, Throw those words in the trash. Better stick with the beginners guide cus' yall be needin it, BB." I don't know if people caught to the word yet but BB stood for Bobby, I mean if I said it directly it wouldn't be fun eh?
"Well done." SanE applauded, he then paused back to feed back. "I like the tone of your voice, how relaxed yet demanding it is. Focus more on following the flow of the beat."
After me called J-Hope, he seriously got some nice feedback too just as much as Rapmon was showered with compliments. My eyes deemed in darkness, slowly craving away from the reality I began to day dream... Of me and the girl Kylee...
-Jhope P.o.V-
"Okay, now that we finished. You will be participating in a group of 3 that will be given the opportunity to be trained by our professional instructors[of Rap]," chattered SafnE.
"Meet Verbel Jint. Tablo. Swings. The Quiet and well me," introduced SanE to the crowd.
We got the opportunity to be trained by Tablo who seems to know what he's saying. He was explaining to us about our weakness and how we could overcome that & being confident on the stage is important.
"You can sing or rap well but if you can't cease to catch the audience's attention then you've lost. There are many ways like using hand gestures or giving the audience a chance to sing throughout the rap. Anything that can catch their attention," Tablo mentioned.
-Suga P.o.V-
Tablo was sure a chatter box but his advices were on the point. In my eyes, the afternoon past just like that... The night sky demolished the blue clear sky...
Maybe. Just one day...Will I become a recognized[as a star]? The songs, the lyrics that speak the thoughts of many. I don't just want to become one, somebody you would look up to! Wait I can't do this alone! As a team? Rapmon, Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, J-hope and me...
"Wake up Suga! We got practice," reminded Jin, his eyes barely to opened.
Me, Jin and V hustled our way out of the door. Only to find ourself walking through the path in the dim forest. Don't give up now. In the end, it will be worth it! I reminded myself again and again. I traipsed down the path defenceless & carelessly, Jin followed up behind me and V at the end.
"Ah!!" I heard a screaming voice coming from the back. V's face plastered with terrified expression. "Jin! Suga!"
All of the sudden...

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