Chapter 18

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Bare with me for the long wait through this~
-V P.o.V-
My heart raced the moment... I spotted a large bear passing by the shadows of the trees. My eyes stood still for a second, without a doubt it was a grizzly bear!
"Jin! Suga!" I alerted, my voice screaming at the tip of my lungs.
Instantly, Suga turned around and Jin looked as terrified as me.
"It's okay." Suga maintained calm but his voice trembling. "That's not a bear."
I know those are lies! I let those words slip my mind...
"What if he eats us cause he's hungry? What if we get attacked? What if-" words insanely puzzled through my brain. It's not true! I told myself. But in the is..
Step by step, we ran through the path leading to the studio. Huffing and puffing, we had already approached to the door step of the studio in a blink of an eye.
"Ya'll right?" Suga patted my back, then softly patting Jin's shoulder.
"That was close!" Jin seemed out of breath.
I bared my eyes with all the light gleaming from the ceiling, even worse, practicing dancing till I'm out of breath. My head dizzy, as I felt a faint lingering on my forehead
the world seemed so puzzling in my vision. Forcing another movement of my body to follow the beat of the step I couldn't be any exhausted.
"Stop slacking around!" complained Mr.Son, pointing to the boys who were resting.
We set off right after the practice ended...
-Jimin P.o.V-
Suddenly, I woke up in the middle of the night. My heart palpitating rapidly as I thought of a series of events in the past. The day after tomorrow... Is Valentine's Day! Will Jungkook accept my... love? No! He'll think I'm crazy, won't he? To him... I'm probably just another friend...My vision slowly faded away as I closed my eyes for a deep sleep.
"Wake up! Jimin!" nagged Rapmon. I must have over slept
In Front of my blurry eyes stood Jungkook who stood tall, his morning face was clear pale and his eyes watching over me. Did I do something wrong? I panicked.
"Today's the last day," stated Jungkook. "We have to pack up tomorrow."
I felt burden for them to wait for me to get ready; so gradually I changed into my outfit. Without another due, we were off to the cafeteria for breakfast.
"Ya' know yesterday night. We saw a bear!" V imitated the bear. "OOOOO-W!"
I don't know if that's what bears really sound like or just one of V's crazy imaginations. We all looked unbelieving the fact except Jin and Suga nodded their head...
"Ya we saw a bear," confirmed Suga. "At least he didn't attack us."
From the way Suga speaks he seems legit; not to mention Suga isn't the type who lies.
"It was like-" Jin stuttered. "Terrifying!"
"They should have notified us about it earlier," remarked Rapmon in worry.
"Oh! What if there's one right now?" Jungkook joked but falling for his own words, he hid behind me. Oh Kookie~
The second before we got to the cafeteria, a crowd of people stood in a daze at the doorstep to the Cafeteria. Quiet mumblings and whispers into one and another's ear to the ones who were protesting. I wonder what is happening? Right now?
"We are sorry to announce there were bears spotted last night. It was a coincidence but the topic has brought a controversy among ourselves. Due to the safety and protection of ourselves and the Bears, today will be the last day you will spend time here. And again, we apologize for the inconvenience." The chief announced, loud and clear. "The bus will depart at 9:30am, pack all your belongings with you."
-V P.o.V-
I guess we weren't the only ones who saw the bear coming. It's a shame but this was sure a great opportunity to develop our vocal skills, dancing and rap/hippop. As we marched our way back into the cabin. Something popped in my mind. Oh mo! It's Valentine's Day tomorrow! All that comes to my mind is Hobi Hobi Hobie! I nudged against   Jimin's arm who was walking beside me. I didn't want to make it seem so obvious but I kind of heard Jimin mumble to himself something about liking Jungkook. I tell you, I didn't eves-drop! I just... happened to hear it, it was a...coincidence! We got to the cabin, packed our languages quickly and made to the bus in time, thankfully. I sat beside Hobi, Rapmon and Jin sat behind us, Jimin and Jungkook on the opposite side of the aisle, Suga suited himself at the window seat in front of us. Kylee arrived quite late so she hadn't had choice but to be seated next to Suga. The second he sat on the seat, his eyes closed for a peaceful sleep. The engine started the moment the bus thrusted forward. Oh man. I wonder... What tomorrow has left to offer us? Valentine's Day... I don't know but I have a good and a bad feeling about this...

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