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-Jungkook P.o.V-
I stared at Jimin, spaced out of what just happened. Knowing the situation, I backed up to only keep a distance. Okay, let's just forget this never happened; I told myself.
"Are you alright?" I reached out my hand.
-Jimin P.o.V-
Just..pretend it didn't happen!
Jungkook held out his arm leaving his empty hand hanging low in the mid-air, I accepted it as I grabbed onto his hand and pulled myself forward; as there I balanced myself.
"Thank-s," I stuttered.
~Bed time~ at 10:30pm
Everyone was asleep by now, or at least they are. But the kiss keeps haunting me, if-if only I didn't fall! My eyes were wide open as an owl can be during night, I watched the stars form a constellation, twinkling.
I woke up to the soft voice of Jin composing a song, on the other hand; Jungkook was tapping his foot to find a rhythmic sound for our song that's due soon. I rubbed my eyes, breakfast was on the table served by Jin, again.
"Good morning," I yawned, stretching my arms.
-In class-
"All songs are due tomorrow. Spend today's time wisely, so tomorrow I don't want to hear any excuses!" Mr.Park rested down on his chair; shuffling through bunch of papers.
-Jungkook P.o.V-
We gathered by Jin's table to share what we've got so far.
"Boy in love!" Jimin exclaimed. "The title should be."
"Make it L-u-v!" V interrupted when he heard the title from the back of the room.
We decided it would be called 'Boy in Luv', we worked together on composing the song. Footsteps of Mr.Park's leather shoes stomped as he walked down the aisle, helping students. By now, he was helping Rapmon and Suga who sat on the opposite side of me. Mr.Park's butt thrusted towards my face as he busied himself, I have to admit it was a bit distracting and not an ideal view. I nudged against Jimin's arm, he turned to look at the view of my direction. He chuckled.
"So what do you guys have so far?" Mr.Park turned around.
Jin showed him our song we've got done so far, I mean, The teacher seemed pretty impressed.
"Great but only some minor mistakes in there you should consider fixing." He left without pointing out the problems. What a jerk.
"Suga, Rapmon and Jhope, please report to the main office immediately." The un-pleasing announcement broke the silence. I watched them exist the doorway, leaving only traces of footprints on the floor behind.
-Suga P.o.V-
I grunted, making my way out of the door with Jhope and Rapmon.
"So, what do we have here?" Mrs.Jihyo, the office lady snapped her finger continuously, it was annoying honestly. As if she was waiting for an apology.
"As you know, Luhan has been poorly bullied by Mark and Jackson. But they've told me you three told them to do so?" She crossed her legs, resting her chin on her elbow against the lavish desk.
"It wasn't us!" Jhope confronted, angrily.
"How would I know it wasn't?" she questioned.
"Do you have an evidence it was?" backfired Rapmon.
There was a moment of dead silence, I stood by Jhope facing downwards, tapping my foot softly. Mark and Jackson appeared soon after, they both rather had a smirk on their face. Like seriously, can't they find someone else to blame? Before Jackson could walk any further, he slipped a crumbled paper into my hand as he passed by me. I looked below me to avoid eye-contact as I un-crumbled the paper, Mrs.Jihyo seemed busy with her conversation with Mark and Jackson. Jhope and Rapmon gathered to peek at the paper too.
"Jungkook is in our hands. Want him back? You know what you need to do."
J-Hope pulled out his phone to contact Jungkook if everything was alright, I hope so.
"Kookie, are you alright?" sent J-Hope.
"Dont worrye abot me, hyung," replied Jungkook soon later. I observed that his text doesn't seem familiar to what he'd normally answer to. Plus, all our boys know that Kookie never makes a spelling mistake when he texts, in fact he corrects us for making one. The atmosphere in the room became intense, after all, we know this could never be Jungkook who replied...
-Jimin P.o.V-
"Kookie is in danger. Do you know where he went to?" I received a text from Suga. I thought back to what happened, oh yeah! Kookie went to the washroom and yet he hasn't returned yet.
"He said he's going to the washroom." I delivered a message back to Suga.
I looked beside me, clueless Jin innocently busied himself composing the song.
-Suga P.o.V-
"He went to the washroom," I whispered into J-hope's ear who told Rapmon.

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