Our lips moved in perfect rhythm, and BOOM 


Seriously though, everything was amazing. He let my hand drop and brought me closer when he felt me kiss him back. I sat like a child on his lap my arms around his neck keeping him close. We broke apart, me gasping for air. He stuck his bottom lip out at me.  

"I could've kissed you longer!" I laughed, surprising myself.  

"Yes but unlike you alien singers who don't need to breathe, I enjoy air filling my lungs!" He joined in my laughed and I stayed in his lap. Pretty soon I felt something though.  

"Um. Harry. Do you have to pee or something?" He realized what I meant and lifted me off of him. I'm telling you, the kid has some freaky strength, I'm not very light. He blushed and looked down.  

"no. You're just so beautiful." I started laughing. At everything. The whole situation was insane. Harry has a boner, and he called me beautiful and we just kissed. I couldn't stop laughing and soon I fell off the couch. This made Harry laugh and stick out a hand to help me up. I yanked on his arm, pulling him down to me.

He hovered over me for a while, until our laughter subsided. He kissed me again, still smiling, and this time I was afraid to kiss back. I smiled into the kiss and started giggling again.  

"H-harry. You've still got a boner." I broke off still laughing.  

"Shut up! Don't talk about it and it will go away!!" He said and his logic made me laugh harder.  

"Fine. I won't talk about it. But you should go fix it." I said. He wiggled his eyebrows at me, smirking. 

"Or you could." He said. I shoved him again, getting him off.  

"You're dumb." I replied, ignoring his comment.  He smiled cheekily at me.  

"I know!" He answered simply.

He pulled us both up onto the couch, before jumping back off again. I looked at him confused.

"I'll be right back!" He winked, answering my unspoken question. When he came back he had a bunch of food, and alcohol in his arms.

"Remember when he did this every weekend?" I laughed and nodded remembering all the secrets we spilled when we were drunk.

"We still aren't of legal age, just like old times!" I agreed as he set all the stuff down on the coffee table and sat down next to me again. I scooted closer and snuggled into his chest as he turned on the TV. He flipped through the channels until he settled on our favorite channel; MMA.

"kick his arse!!"

"left hook!"

"that was illegal!"

"what a shitty ref!"

this went on and on, match after match, as we consumed the food and alcohol. Harry kissed me and I noticed he was drunk. I laughed and he smiled down at me.

"You're so beautiful Claire-bear." He laughed at the nickname he gave me and I checked my phone. It was 8:00 pm. Harry had spent the whole day here.

"I wonder where Lou and El are.." I thought aloud. Harry laughed loudly.

"They're over at my place. They knew." I groaned.

"What assholes!" I laughed along with Harry now, and popped open another beer.

One hour later, and now Harry and I were both drunk as hell. We laughed at the simplest things, and interrupted each other and laughed again. He smashed his lips down on mine in another sloppy kiss which I returned, just as messy. The last thing I remember is my clothes being torn off my body.


It was 9:30 when El and I left Harry's flat. He told us he would call when we could come home, but we weren't staying out all night, Eleanor was pregnant! When we got home, we sighed out of relief at the same time and she giggled as I kissed her nose. We stepped out of the car and I watched as she stretched, smiling to myself. I went to the trunk of my car and pulled the shopping bags out of there, that contained stuff for the nursery. Eleanor went in before me, and I dropped all the bags as I heard her scream.

I ran in, fearing the worst. My jaw dropped as I looked at the mess Harry and Claire had made. There was food everywhere and the TV was still on. I looked around and saw them sleeping on top of each other, arse naked.

"HARRY STYLES. HOW DARE YOU SLEEP WITH HER ON THE FIRST DATE!" Harry sat up slowly holding his head.

"Lou. Why ya yelling?" I motioned for him to look around, which he did-also very slowly.

"oh shit." Harry looked down at himself and then over to Claire, who was still fast asleep.

"Oh SHIT."

"YA THINK?! SHE GOT BLOOD ON MY CARPET HARRY!!" Harry looked down at this looking at Claire, happiness shining in his eyes.

"She was a virgin.." he whispered.

"No shit? Why wouldn't she be?!" Harry explained the whole story quickly in a whisper, trying to keep Claire in her deep state of slumber. I forgot El was standing there until I heard her crying, and I pulled her into my chest.

"John did that..he wouldn't.." I said in shock.

"He would, I mean, he did." Harry said. I rested my chin on the top of Eleanor's head.

"could you go get Harry a wet wash cloth?" I whispered softly to El. She nodded and headed off to the kitchen. She came back and handed it to Harry. He looked at me, confused.

"Clean her up before she wakes up." He nodded, gratefully.

Harry's POV:

Eleanor handed me a wet wash cloth and I looked to Louis, utterly confused.

"Clean her up before she wakes up." I nodded, grateful. I knew blood freaked out Claire. So this would help. Louis and El walked up to their rooms, mumbling quiet good nights, and I knew they were mad. I was still hung over, but I couldn't remember doing any of this, and I felt horrible. I drug the cloth up Claire's legs trying not to smear it more. I threw the cloth in the trash, figuring they wouldn't want to use it again. I spotted Claire's suitcase and unzipped it, pulling out the first pair on underwear I saw. I didn't look as it as a sexual act, I was helping her out after the mistake we made. I made. I was pulling them up when my hand felt something slick and I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. The condom.

Claire started to stir beneath me so I finished pulling her underwear up and mine too, so I didn't scare her, and went  to throw the condom away. At least my drunk self had enough sense to use one. I felt her small arms slip around my waist and I turned around so I was facing her.

"Good morning Beautiful." I bent down so I could kiss her on her lips. She stood on her tip toes and met me halfway.

"Did we really..? Or was I dreaming?" I nodded, waiting for her reaction.

"Thank you Harry." I looked at her shocked.

"For what?" I questioned.

"You made me feel like the most beautiful, loved girl in the world." I smiled down at her and kissed her again.

"So you actually remember it? I have no clue.." She laughed and I watched, mesmerized.

"Yeah, I don't remember how it started but I remember most of it." I kissed her again, amazed .

"Damn Harry. Why so many kisses?" I shrugged, going in for another one.

"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP!" We heard Louis yell from upstairs. We laughed.

"Sorry Lou!" I yelled back. I turned back to Claire.

"Want to go back to my place?" I asked. She bit her lip and I worried she would say no.

"We may want to get dressed first.." We laughed in whispers and got dressed and went out to my car.



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