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Claire's Pov: 

Harry jumped up, protectively.  

"Who's Johnathan Claire?" He turned to me with a sickly sweet smile, trying to show this guy I was his. But that's the thing..I wasn't Harry's. I looked down, not meeting Harry's green eyes.  

"Uh..Um..Johnathan..he's my fiance. John, this is my best friend Harry. Remember me telling you about him?" John came over to my side nodding and grabbing my hand, squeezing gently. I smiled at him and he smiled back, quickly kissing my nose. I turned to Harry, trying to apologize with my eyes. He just rolled his eyes, fist clenched at his sides.  

"Harry.." I whispered. "I think you should leave now." He nodded, still not talking to me. He waved politely to John and turned on his wheel. After watching his dramatic exit John stood up, letting my hand drop.  

"I gotta use the Lou!" I laughed at him, he was dancing around like he was in the first grade. I stopped before he left the room.  

"Hey John?" He turned quickly, I was instantly his full priority.  

"Yeah Baby?" I usually hated when guys called me that, but with John it was different. I smiled and looked up at him through my eyelashes.  

"I love you." He said he loved me too and ran to use the lou. I got a text and quickly opened it.

54718965256: why didn't you tell me you had a fiance??!! D:< 

ME: I'm sorry Harry, I didn't mean..I feel bad...horrible. I don't think we should be friends.. 

54718965256: Yeah whatever Claire. Its not like you love me or anything.

I rolled my eyes before answering him.

ME: that doesn't matter. I love him too, and I plan to spend the rest of my life with him. You can keep trying but it won't ever work.

I laughed a short laugh, which came out in a snort. I was shocked when he answered.

54718965256: I will thanks for the tip love :)

I screamed. I didn't mean it literally!! Damn it Harry! I threw my phone on the bed and flopped down sighing. John came back in the room.

"So who called you?" I asked. 

"Lou did. Why didn't you contact me sooner?" Shit. I forgot about Louis. He was the only one that knew I was in a relationship.  

"I just..spaced it. Its been busy. I was brought in touch with old friends..and things got dramatic. I'm so sorry. You must've been worried sick." His eyes flashed, and I cowered into my bed.  

"YOU THINK!? I WAS WORRIED SICK YOU DUMB SLUT!" His palm connected with my face, whipping my head to the side. I knew it would happen, and I dreaded Harry leaving. I thought it would happen a lot sooner actually. I'm sure that's why he was charging in here earlier but then saw Harry. I tried to keep the squeal and tears inside, until he left. He seemed satisfied with my reaction and the sound his hand made against my face. He kissed the top of my head.  

"Bye Claire. I'll see ya when you get home. We'll have some more fun there." He left with a wink that made me sick to my stomach.

That's one thing Louis didn't know. That Johnathan beat me so many times. It was horrible. It started when he came home one night drunk, I tried to get him to lay down, and stop yelling. He grabbed me by my hips..and..I felt the tears well up in my eyes. A nurse came bustling in.  

"Honey. Are you alright? Are you in pain?" I laughed without humour.  

"Yeah..I seem to have a broken heart ma'am." She looked at me with sympathy.  

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