I am sorry

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I am sorry

that I am here

I am sorry

for all these tears.

I am sorry

for the pain I put you through

the kind that only grew and grew,

for the constant fights

about wrong and right,

but honey,

you were right all the along

but we both know

I'm not that strong.

I am sorry to my family

for putting you through hell,

for having to love me

when I wasn't doing well.

For helping me through

the mess I was in

and f*ck this sucks.

I am sorry to my friends

that dealt with my pain

and held my hand

as I went insane,

for having to sit there and listen to my rants

and words of spite

with suicide threats

late in the night.

I am sorry to

the ones I knew

because I was nothing but an ass

and a waste of time,

you know all those hours spent on me

you'll never get back.

I am sorry

that I took breath

in a relentless world

just like this.

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