Stop Bullying

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You think that it's funny,

but in reality it's not. 

You try to avoid your pathetic little life,

by making others just the same. 

You find some sort of twisted joy,

in causing other's pain. 

You bring your friends along

to laugh at that girls hair, 

or call another gay.

To push someones head in the toilet 

and make your pain fade away. 

Just maybe you're a little f*cked,

and so you convert them like you

to think maybe you're not alone,

if they're in agony too. 

The thing no one knows,

is that you cry yourself to sleep

about your screwed up life 

that causes you to weep.

So the next time you taunt 

or tease about one's weight,

remember that feeling of sorrow

and bitter self hate. 

It not too hard to change,

to pick up your act

and bring someone up 

instead of attack,

to compliment another

on their hair and face,

on their smile and clothes 

or smarts and weight. 

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