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i tend to get my words mixed up,

all the time.

it's not just stumbled sentences,

rather saying the opposite.

I suppose its because

my mind is a clutter

with little space.

I will say it's hot, when really its


as f*ck.

I can tell you to hurry up,

but you need to



My mind is mixed and matched

running one way,

yet swimming another.

It makes less than zero sense,

because I'm just really indecisive.

Please don't laugh,

I know it happens to people all the time.

My brain is rather odd,

slow in fact.

If you come up behind me

to scare me,

it might take me a moment

before I scream.

You'll meet me,

and think what the hell?

I'm halfway through a sentence and I just


It's because I forgot what I was going to say.

I may even tell you to leave,

might say that I hate you,

just know,

that my mind is muddled

like it's on meth but

my body is sober.

So in reality,

hate means

I'm in love with you.

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