Black Ecstasy

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a puff of smoke

kisses my lips

as i inhale again

to feel the bliss.

the cigarette

may burn my lungs

but it's okay

if I feel young.

kiss my lips

and feel the burn

of drugs and liquor

that makes me yearn.

watch as the little green plant

turns to smoke

and dances through the air

as your speechless words choke.

i will sit on your lap

and kiss your skin your neck

your chest and your lips

but i warn i'll leave a wreck.

I am a time bomb

that's waiting to die

from malignant feelings

killing inside.

So watch me smoke

and drink and fade,

watch me take

the pain away.

so kiss me slowly

to feel my ecstasy

release to you

as it courses through me.

Inhale my lungs

to take my breath

and watch my life

come out and twirl

to dim to black.

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