Alone and Desperate

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i apologize for my actions,

baby forgive me, please,

i know i am not perfect,

i have lied

i have sinned

i have done illegal deeds,

but the past is the past,

baby, forgive me please.

i need you now,

here in my darkest place,

with this screwed up world

laughing in my face.

i know this is my fault,

i did this to myself,

but i am in need

i just want you to be here, please.

what did i do,

to make you walk away,

i know i am flawed

in multiple ways,

but so are you,

so why can't you stay.

is it because

we are too alike

too messed up

and afraid,

or are we too far apart,

since you're good

and i'm bad.

i know i've made mistakes,

but trust me,

i am risk worth to take.

i will not break you,

hate you or fake you.

baby forgive me, please,

i am alone and scared,

but with you

i will be at peace.

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