Tragic Love Story

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This loving pain hurts,

the tears of sorrow burn.

Who knew love could be so cold?

Trying to let my story unfold,

but i'm about ready to lose hope

and have this tragic love story end its last page.

Consequences of loving at such a young age.

The feeling of love with no return,

shatters my heart into pieces to learn.

This tragic love story is ending along with the rest of me,

heart break to a fragile heart,

breaking an already broken soul,

leaving the rest of my story yet untold.

Long nights i lay awake thinking of you,

while she is already in your arms.

I am slowly letting go,

inching to reach my last page,

This is where my tragic love story ends,

it ends with a lesson to be learned about love;

not every love story has a happy ending,

not every Cinderella can fit the slipper for prince charming,

for I have given up waiting for mine,

so here I have written my last line.  

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