Chapter Twenty-Seven

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~•Arial's POV•~

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I sat up in bed and all the memories of yesterday flashed through my brain.

Zayn said that Niall tried to convince him and Liam to let us come to the last week of tour. I'm going to have to call Niall and figure out why Zayn knew it was me.

I got out of bed and looked at the clock, it was 9:30am. Which means that its about 6:30pm where the boys are. They're probably getting ready for a concert, I'll have to wait until about 1:30pm my time.

I picked out some clothes and went into the bathroom. I locked the door and turned the shower on and waited for the room to steam up before I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

After letting the warm water run over my body for about 20 or so minutes I got out and wrapped the towel around myself. I dried off and walked over to my clothes that I had picked out.

I had a mint colored pastel shirt that flowed nicely when I put it on. I had a pair of brown skinny jeans that matched a belt that I put around my waist so the shirt didn't seem as flowy.

Next I put on a necklace that matched the color of the shirt and it was in the shape of a bow. I put a pair of dangling mint colored earrings and the ring Zayn gave me at the airport. I put a minty green eye shadow on and made it look like a smokey eye. I also put my eyeliner and mascara on the way I normally did.

I switched out my phone case because I was getting tired of the one I've been using and decided to keep the same brown purse I've been using. It's my favorite bag if you haven't noticed already. I left my hair to air dry into its waves and pulled it into a messy side ponytail.

I had a pair of white open-toed pumps that I put by the door just in case I decided to go out later. They had some dark brown almost black looking trim on them. They had a simple but cute bow on the toes part as well.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. Nothing fancy just pancakes with a glass of milk. When I was finished eating I turned on the tv to one of those talk show things and sat on the couch. The boys were doing an interview live so I decided that I would watch it. They were still as funny as ever, of course.

They mentioned that they would be going to do a concert right after they were finished the interview. Too soon their interview was over and they were leaving the screen. I missed them all, especially my boyfriend.

*2 Hours Later; 2:30pm*

I assumed it was somewhere around 11:30pm in Australia where the boys were so I called Niall.

"Hello?" He said as he picked up the phone.

"Hey big brother it's me" I smiled as I said big brother. Even though we weren't related I loved the fact that we considered each other siblings.

"What's up Arial?" he asked as I heard some shuffling and a door close.

"I was just wondering why Zayn knew that I had asked you to try and convince them to let us come" I said innocently.

"Actually, he guessed, I didn't tell him I swear little sis" he said, you could hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh okay well, did you make any progress?" I asked curiously.

"I think I did actually" he said happily "They told me that they would think about reconsidering their decision"

"Well that's good enough then!" I said excitedly "I really hope that they'll change there minds, I'm too afraid to leave the flat knowing Jeremy could be a few minutes away from taking me" I said trying not to cry.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat